Yair Dor-Ziderman
Yair Dor-Ziderman
Research Fellow, Integrated Brain and Behavior Research Center (IBBRC), University of Haifa
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Mindfulness-induced selflessness: a MEG neurophenomenological study
Y Dor-Ziderman, A Berkovich-Ohana, J Glicksohn, A Goldstein
Frontiers in human neuroscience 7, 582, 2013
Alterations in the sense of time, space, and body in the mindfulness-trained brain: a neurophenomenologically-guided MEG study
A Berkovich-Ohana, Y Dor-Ziderman, J Glicksohn, A Goldstein
Frontiers in psychology 4, 912, 2013
How does it feel to lack a sense of boundaries? A case study of a long-term mindfulness meditator
Y Ataria, Y Dor-Ziderman, A Berkovich-Ohana
Consciousness and cognition 37, 133-147, 2015
The hitchhiker’s guide to neurophenomenology–The case of studying self boundaries with meditators
A Berkovich-Ohana, Y Dor-Ziderman, FM Trautwein, Y Schweitzer, ...
Frontiers in psychology 11, 1680, 2020
Question asking in the science classroom: Teacher attitudes and practices
H Eshach, Y Dor-Ziderman, Y Yefroimsky
Journal of Science Education and Technology 23, 67-81, 2014
Self-specific processing in the meditating brain: a MEG neurophenomenology study
Y Dor-Ziderman, Y Ataria, S Fulder, A Goldstein, A Berkovich-Ohana
Neuroscience of Consciousness 2016 (1), niw019, 2016
Self-boundary dissolution in meditation: A phenomenological investigation
O Nave, FM Trautwein, Y Ataria, Y Dor-Ziderman, Y Schweitzer, S Fulder, ...
Brain Sciences 11 (6), 819, 2021
Prediction-based neural mechanisms for shielding the self from existential threat
Y Dor-Ziderman, A Lutz, A Goldstein
NeuroImage 202, 116080, 2019
Scaffolding the “scaffolding” metaphor: From inspiration to a practical tool for kindergarten teachers
H Eshach, Y Dor-Ziderman, Y Arbel
Journal of Science Education and Technology 20, 550-565, 2011
Oscillatory brain mechanisms of the hypnotically-induced out-of-body experience
M Zeev-Wolf, Y Dor-Ziderman, A Goldstein, O Bonne, EG Abramowitz
Cortex 96, 19-30, 2017
Suspending the embodied self in meditation attenuates beta oscillations in posterior medial cortex
FM Trautwein, Y Schweitzer, Y Dor-Ziderman, O Nave, Y Ataria, S Fulder, ...
Journal of Neuroscience, 2024
Synchrony with distress in affective empathy and compassion
Y Dor‐Ziderman, D Cohen, N Levit‐Binnun, Y Golland
Psychophysiology 58 (10), e13889, 2021
High-gamma oscillations as neurocorrelates of ADHD: A MEG crossover placebo-controlled study
Y Dor-Ziderman, M Zeev-Wolf, EH Klein, D Bar-Oz, U Nitzan, H Maoz, ...
Journal of Psychiatric Research 137, 186-193, 2021
Phenomenological support for escape theory: a qualitative study using explicitation interviews with emotional eaters
H Shireen, S Castelli, M Legault, Y Dor-Ziderman, J Milad, B Knäuper
Journal of Eating Disorders 10 (1), 174, 2022
Investigating default mode network connectivity disruption in children of mothers with depression
M Zeev-Wolf, Y Dor-Ziderman, M Pratt, A Goldstein, R Feldman
The British Journal of Psychiatry 220 (3), 130-139, 2022
Paying attention to the self: A systematic review of the study of the self in mindfulness research
H Shireen, S Khanyari, A Vance, H Johannesson, C Preissner, ...
Mindfulness 13 (6), 1373-1386, 2022
Treating others as we treat ourselves: A qualitative study of the influence of psychotherapists’ mindfulness meditation practice on their psychotherapeutic work
H Shireen, N Siemers, Y Dor-Ziderman, B Knäuper, R Moodley
Current Psychology, 1-15, 2022
Evidence for a differential visual M300 brain response in gamblers
N Zilberman, YD Ziderman, M Zeev-Wolf, A Goldstein, G Yadid, ...
Clinical Neurophysiology 129 (11), 2228-2238, 2018
Ayahuasca-induced personal death experiences: prevalence, characteristics, and impact on attitudes toward death, life, and the environment
J David, JC Bouso, M Kohek, G Ona, N Tadmor, T Arnon, Y Dor-Ziderman, ...
Frontiers in Psychiatry 14, 1287961, 2023
An overview of neurophenomenological approaches to meditation and their relevance to clinical research
A Lutz, O Abdoun, Y Dor-Ziderman, FM Trautwein, A Berkovich-Ohana
OSF, 2024
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Articles 1–20