Jason Zevin
Jason Zevin
Associate Professor of Psychology and Linguistics, University of Southern California
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Elevated amygdala response to faces following early deprivation
N Tottenham, TA Hare, A Millner, T Gilhooly, JD Zevin, BJ Casey
Developmental science 14 (2), 190-204, 2011
Age of acquisition effects in word reading and other tasks
JD Zevin, MS Seidenberg
Journal of Memory and language 47 (1), 1-29, 2002
Universal brain signature of proficient reading: Evidence from four contrasting languages
JG Rueckl, PM Paz-Alonso, PJ Molfese, WJ Kuo, A Bick, SJ Frost, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (50), 15510-15515, 2015
Left-lateralized N170 effects of visual expertise in reading: evidence from Japanese syllabic and logographic scripts
U Maurer, JD Zevin, BD McCandliss
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 20 (10), 1878-1891, 2008
Age-of-acquisition effects in reading aloud: Tests of cumulative frequency and frequency trajectory
JD Zevin, MS Seidenberg
Memory & cognition 32 (1), 31-38, 2004
On the same wavelength: predictable language enhances speaker–listener brain-to-brain synchrony in posterior superior temporal gyrus
S Dikker, LJ Silbert, U Hasson, JD Zevin
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (18), 6267-6272, 2014
Priming and attentional control of lexical and sublexical pathways during naming.
JD Zevin, DA Balota
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 26 (1), 121, 2000
Auditory selective attention to speech modulates activity in the visual word form area
YN Yoncheva, JD Zevin, U Maurer, BD McCandliss
Cerebral Cortex 20 (3), 622-632, 2010
Simulating language-specific and language-general effects in a statistical learning model of Chinese reading
J Yang, BD McCandliss, H Shu, JD Zevin
Journal of Memory and Language 61 (2), 238-257, 2009
Simulating consistency effects and individual differences in nonword naming: A comparison of current models
JD Zevin, MS Seidenberg
Journal of Memory and Language 54 (2), 145-160, 2006
Brain mechanisms implicated in the preattentive categorization of speech sounds revealed using fMRI and a short-interval habituation trial paradigm
MF Joanisse, JD Zevin, BD McCandliss
Cerebral Cortex 17 (9), 2084-2093, 2007
Decoding the neural representation of story meanings across languages
M Dehghani, R Boghrati, K Man, J Hoover, SI Gimbel, A Vaswani, ...
Human brain mapping 38 (12), 6096-6106, 2017
Influence of consonantal context on the reading of vowels: Evidence from children
R Treiman, B Kessler, JD Zevin, S Bick, M Davis
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 93 (1), 1-24, 2006
Connectionist models in developmental cognitive neuroscience: Critical periods and the paradox of success
MS Seidenberg, JD Zevin
Processes of change in brain and cognitive development: Attention and …, 2006
Age of acquisition and proficiency in a second language independently influence the perception of non-native speech
P Archila-Suerte, J Zevin, F Bunta, AE Hernandez
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 15 (1), 190-201, 2012
The effect of age of acquisition, socioeducational status, and proficiency on the neural processing of second language speech sounds
P Archila-Suerte, J Zevin, AE Hernandez
Brain and language 141, 35-49, 2015
Orthographic influences on division of labor in learning to read Chinese and English: Insights from computational modeling
J Yang, H Shu, BD McCandliss, JD Zevin
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 16 (2), 354-366, 2013
Orthographic and phonological representations in the fusiform cortex
L Zhao, C Chen, L Shao, Y Wang, X Xiao, C Chen, J Yang, J Zevin, G Xue
Cerebral Cortex 27 (11), 5197-5210, 2017
Limits on reacquisition of song in adult zebra finches exposed to white noise
JD Zevin, MS Seidenberg, SW Bottjer
Journal of Neuroscience 24 (26), 5849-5862, 2004
Left fusiform BOLD responses are inversely related to word-likeness in a one-back task
X Wang, J Yang, H Shu, JD Zevin
Neuroimage 55 (3), 1346-1356, 2011
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Articles 1–20