Jonas Paul Schöne
Jonas Paul Schöne
Other namesJonas Schöne
DPhil in Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford
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Negativity spreads more than positivity on Twitter after both positive and negative political situations
JP Schöne, B Parkinson, A Goldenberg
Affective Science 2 (4), 379-390, 2021
Homophily and acrophily as drivers of political segregation
A Goldenberg, JM Abruzzo, Z Huang, J Schöne, D Bailey, R Willer, ...
Nature Human Behaviour 7 (2), 219-230, 2023
Amplification in the evaluation of multiple emotional expressions over time
A Goldenberg, J Schöne, Z Huang, TD Sweeny, DC Ong, TF Brady, ...
Nature human behaviour 6 (10), 1408-1416, 2022
Negative expressions are shared more on Twitter for public figures than for ordinary users
JP Schöne, D Garcia, B Parkinson, A Goldenberg
PNAS nexus 2 (7), pgad219, 2023
Social sharing of emotion during the collective crisis of COVID‐19
GWS Ma, JP Schöne, B Parkinson
British Journal of Psychology 115 (4), 843-879, 2024
Attraction to politically extreme users on social media
F Zimmerman, DD Bailey, G Muric, E Ferrara, J Schöne, R Willer, ...
PNAS nexus 3 (10), pgae395, 2024
Negativity spreads more than positivity on Twitter after both positive and negative political situations. PsyArXiv
J Schöne, B Parkinson, A Goldenberg
Attraction to Politically Extreme Users on Social Media
A Goldenberg, D Bailey, G Muric, E Ferrara, J Schöne, R Willer, ...
OSF, 0
Amplification in the Evaluation of Emotional Expressions Over Time
A Goldenberg, J Schöne, Z Huang, T Sweeny, DC Ong, T Brady, ...
PsyArXiv, 2021
Replicating the General Amplification Effect in Texts Responses Using A Social Media Newsfeed lookalike.
J Schöne, A Goldenberg
OSF, 2023
Study5: Replicating the General Amplification Effect in Immorality Ratings of Experiments and Investigating if Different Types of Incentives Can Change How People Estimate …
J Schöne, A Goldenberg, J Cordova
OSF, 2023
The mechanisms and consequences of sharing affective content on social media
JP Schöne
University of Oxford, 2023
Study 1: Testing the Association between Perceived Outgroup Threat, Political Acrophily and their Negativity Sharing Consequences Using Online Survey and Twitter Data.
J Schöne, A Goldenberg
OSF, 2022
Testing the Association between Negativity Sharing and the Perception of Emotion Expression Norm and their Wellbeing Consequences Using Online Survey and Twitter Data.
J Schöne, A Goldenberg
OSF, 2022
Component 3: Replicating the General Amplification Effect in Texts Responses and Investigating If Intense Responses Are Perceived as More Representative of the Average.
J Schöne, A Goldenberg
OSF, 2022
Replicating the General Amplification Effect in Texts Responses and Investigating How Text Intensity Influences the Likelihood of Remembering the Text.
J Schöne, A Goldenberg
OSF, 2022
Replicating the General Amplification Effect in Texts Responses and Investigate How Amplification Is Associated with the Estimation of the Corresponding News Article.
J Schöne, A Goldenberg
OSF, 2021
Male Perceivers' Emotionality Judgments of Negative Valence Sequences
M Gorges, A Goldenberg, R Porat, J Schöne
OSF, 2021
manipulating salience
A Goldenberg, J Schöne
OSF, 2021
Sequential Sampling from Social Media Feeds leads to Overestimation of Emotional Intensity
J Schöne, M Rocklage, B Parkinson, A Goldenberg, AI Human-Centered
OSF, 0
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Articles 1–20