Tal Isaacson
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Cited by
Cloning of tangerine from Tomato Reveals a Carotenoid Isomerase Essential for the Production of β-Carotene and Xanthophylls in Plants
T Isaacson, G Ronen, D Zamir, J Hirschberg
The Plant Cell 14 (2), 333-342, 2002
Sample extraction techniques for enhanced proteomic analysis of plant tissues
T Isaacson, CMB Damasceno, RS Saravanan, Y He, C Catalá, M Saladié, ...
Nature protocols 1 (2), 769-774, 2006
A reevaluation of the key factors that influence tomato fruit softening and integrity
M Saladié, AJ Matas, T Isaacson, MA Jenks, SM Goodwin, KJ Niklas, ...
Plant physiology 144 (2), 1012-1028, 2007
Dual role for tomato heat shock protein 21: protecting photosystem II from oxidative stress and promoting color changes during fruit maturation
I Neta-Sharir, T Isaacson, S Lurie, D Weiss
The Plant Cell 17 (6), 1829-1838, 2005
Cutin deficiency in the tomato fruit cuticle consistently affects resistance to microbial infection and biomechanical properties, but not transpirational water loss
T Isaacson, DK Kosma, AJ Matas, GJ Buda, Y He, B Yu, A Pravitasari, ...
The Plant Journal 60 (2), 363-377, 2009
New insights into metabolic properties of marine bacteria encoding proteorhodopsins
G Sabehi, A Loy, KH Jung, R Partha, JL Spudich, T Isaacson, ...
PLoS biology 3 (8), e273, 2005
The identification of cutin synthase: formation of the plant polyester cutin
TH Yeats, LBB Martin, HMF Viart, T Isaacson, Y He, L Zhao, AJ Matas, ...
Nature Chemical Biology 8 (7), 609-611, 2012
Analysis in vitro of the enzyme CRTISO establishes a poly-cis-carotenoid biosynthesis pathway in plants
T Isaacson, I Ohad, P Beyer, J Hirschberg
Plant Physiology 136 (4), 4246-4255, 2004
Epistasis in tomato color mutations involves regulation of phytoene synthase 1 expression by cis-carotenoids
DE Kachanovsky, S Filler, T Isaacson, J Hirschberg
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (46), 19021-19026, 2012
The tomato S l SHINE 3 transcription factor regulates fruit cuticle formation and epidermal patterning
JX Shi, A Adato, N Alkan, Y He, J Lashbrooke, AJ Matas, S Meir, ...
New Phytologist 197 (2), 468-480, 2013
Three‐dimensional imaging of plant cuticle architecture using confocal scanning laser microscopy
GJ Buda, T Isaacson, AJ Matas, DJ Paolillo, JKC Rose
The Plant Journal 60 (2), 378-385, 2009
Fruit cuticle lipid composition during development in tomato ripening mutants
DK Kosma, EP Parsons, T Isaacson, S Lü, JKC Rose, MA Jenks
Physiologia Plantarum 139 (1), 107-117, 2010
Application of GC-MS for the detection of lipophilic compounds in diverse plant tissues
A Lytovchenko, R Beleggia, N Schauer, T Isaacson, JE Leuendorf, ...
Plant methods 5, 1-11, 2009
The desert green algae Chlorella ohadii thrives at excessively high light intensities by exceptionally enhancing the mechanisms that protect photosynthesis from …
G Levin, S Kulikovsky, V Liveanu, B Eichenbaum, A Meir, T Isaacson, ...
The Plant Journal 106 (5), 1260-1277, 2021
Isolation and Functional Characterization of Carotenoid Cleavage Dioxygenase-1 from Laurus nobilis L. (Bay Laurel) Fruits
M Yahyaa, A Berim, T Isaacson, S Marzouk, E Bar, R Davidovich-Rikanati, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 63 (37), 8275-8282, 2015
Analysis of apocarotenoid volatiles during the development of Ficus carica fruits and characterization of carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase genes
B Nawade, L Shaltiel-Harpaz, M Yahyaa, TC Bosamia, A Kabaha, ...
Plant Science 290, 110292, 2020
Global and local perturbation of the tomato microRNA pathway by a trans-activated DICER-LIKE 1 mutant
M Kravchik, R Sunkar, S Damodharan, R Stav, M Zohar, T Isaacson, ...
Journal of experimental botany 65 (2), 725-739, 2014
Redox regulation of PGRL1 at the onset of low light intensity
BC Wolf, T Isaacson, V Tiwari, I Dangoor, S Mufkadi, A Danon
The Plant Journal 103 (2), 715-725, 2020
Solid-State 13C NMR Delineates the Architectural Design of Biopolymers in Native and Genetically Altered Tomato Fruit Cuticles
S Chatterjee, AJ Matas, T Isaacson, C Kehlet, JKC Rose, RE Stark
Biomacromolecules 17 (1), 215-224, 2016
Surveying the plant cell wall proteome, or secretome
T Isaacson, JKC Rose
Annual Plant Reviews Volume 28: Plant Proteomics, 185-209, 2006
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Articles 1–20