Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science Open Science Collaboration Science 349 (6251), aac4716, 2015 | 9975 | 2015 |
The replication recipe: What makes for a convincing replication? MJ Brandt, H IJzerman, A Dijksterhuis, FJ Farach, J Geller, ... Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 50, 217-224, 2014 | 901 | 2014 |
Beyond accuracy: Defense and impression motives in heuristic and systematic information processing. S Chaiken, R Giner-Sorolla, S Chen The Guilford Press, 1996 | 787 | 1996 |
Not quite human: infrahumanization in response to collective responsibility for intergroup killing. E Castano, R Giner-Sorolla Journal of personality and social psychology 90 (5), 804, 2006 | 702 | 2006 |
Pre-registration in social psychology—A discussion and suggested template AE Van't Veer, R Giner-Sorolla Journal of experimental social psychology 67, 2-12, 2016 | 518 | 2016 |
Guilty pleasures and grim necessities: affective attitudes in dilemmas of self-control. R Giner-Sorolla Journal of personality and social psychology 80 (2), 206, 2001 | 450 | 2001 |
Ingroup glorification, moral disengagement, and justice in the context of collective violence B Leidner, E Castano, E Zaiser, R Giner-Sorolla Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 36 (8), 1115-1129, 2010 | 444 | 2010 |
The causes of hostile media judgments R Giner-Sorolla, S Chaiken Journal of experimental social psychology 30 (2), 165-180, 1994 | 406 | 1994 |
Bodily moral disgust: what it is, how it is different from anger, and why it is an unreasoned emotion. PS Russell, R Giner-Sorolla Psychological bulletin 139 (2), 328, 2013 | 328 | 2013 |
Structural consistency and attitude strength S Chaiken, EM Pomerantz, R Giner-Sorolla Attitude strength, 387-412, 2014 | 321 | 2014 |
Science or art? How aesthetic standards grease the way through the publication bottleneck but undermine science R Giner-Sorolla Perspectives on Psychological Science 7 (6), 562-571, 2012 | 320 | 2012 |
Anger, disgust, and presumption of harm as reactions to taboo-breaking behaviors. R Gutierrez, R Giner-Sorolla Emotion 7 (4), 853, 2007 | 310 | 2007 |
Moral anger, but not moral disgust, responds to intentionality. PS Russell, R Giner-Sorolla Emotion 11 (2), 233, 2011 | 300 | 2011 |
The automatic evaluation of pictures R Giner-Sorolla, MT Garcia, JA Bargh Social Cognition 17 (1), 76-96, 1999 | 199 | 1999 |
IMMEDIATE AND DELIBERATIVE PERSPECTIVES R Giner-Sorolla Dual-process theories in social psychology, 441, 1999 | 173 | 1999 |
A consensus-based transparency checklist B Aczel, B Szaszi, A Sarafoglou, Z Kekecs, Š Kucharský, D Benjamin, ... Nature human behaviour 4 (1), 4-6, 2020 | 159 | 2020 |
Judging passions: Moral emotions in persons and groups R Giner-Sorolla Psychology Press, 2013 | 156 | 2013 |
Power to detect what? Considerations for planning and evaluating sample size R Giner-Sorolla, AK Montoya, A Reifman, T Carpenter, NA Lewis Jr, ... Personality and Social Psychology Review 28 (3), 276-301, 2024 | 147 | 2024 |
Shame expressions reduce the recipient’s insult from outgroup reparations R Giner-Sorolla, E Castano, P Espinosa, R Brown Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 44 (3), 519-526, 2008 | 143 | 2008 |
Moral anger is more flexible than moral disgust PS Russell, R Giner-Sorolla Social Psychological and Personality Science 2 (4), 360-364, 2011 | 142 | 2011 |