Jean-Paul CALLOT
Jean-Paul CALLOT
Professor, Director, Laboratory of Complex fluids and their Reservoirs E2S-UPPA, Université de Pau
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The eastern termination of the Zagros fold-and-thrust belt, Iran: Structures, evolution, and relationships between salt plugs, folding, and faulting
S Jahani, JP Callot, J Letouzey, D Frizon de Lamotte
Tectonics 28, 2009
Magnetic and plagioclase linear fabric discrepancy in dykes: a new way to define the flow vector using magnetic foliation
L Geoffroy, JP Callot, C Aubourg, M Moreira
Terra Nova 14 (3), 183-190, 2002
Magma flow directions of shallow dykes from the East Greenland volcanic margin inferred from magnetic fabric studies
JP Callot, L Geoffroy, C Aubourg, JP Pozzi, D Mege
Tectonophysics 335 (3-4), 313-329, 2001
The salt diapirs of the eastern Fars Province (Zagros, Iran): A brief outline of their past and present
S Jahani, JP Callot, DF de Lamotte, J Letouzey, P Leturmy
Thrust belts and foreland basins: From fold kinematics to hydrocarbon …, 2007
Pre-existing salt structures and the folding of the Zagros Mountains
JP Callot, V Trocmé, J Letouzey, E Albouy, S Jahani, S Sherkati
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 363 (1), 545-561, 2012
The role of pre-existing diapirs in fold and thrust belt development
JP Callot, S Jahani, J Letouzey
Thrust Belts and Foreland Basins: from fold kinematics to hydrocarbon …, 2007
Sedimentary and diagenetic controls on the multiscale fracturing pattern of a carbonate reservoir: The Madison Formation (Sheep Mountain, Wyoming, USA)
M Barbier, Y Hamon, JP Callot, M Floquet, JM Daniel
Marine and Petroleum Geology 29 (1), 50-67, 2012
Stress and strain patterns, kinematics and deformation mechanisms in a basement‐cored anticline: Sheep Mountain Anticline, Wyoming
K Amrouch, O Lacombe, N Bellahsen, JM Daniel, JP Callot
Tectonics 29 (1), 2010
Rock texture and magnetic lineation in dykes: a simple analytical model
JP Callot, X Guichet
Tectonophysics 366 (3-4), 207-222, 2003
From outcrop and petrographic studies to basin-scale fluid flow modelling: The use of the Albanian natural laboratory for carbonate reservoir characterisation
N Vilasi, J Malandain, L Barrier, JP Callot, K Amrouch, N Guilhaumou, ...
Tectonophysics 474 (1-2), 367-392, 2009
The Kerguelen plateau: Records from a long-living/composite microcontinent
F Bénard, JP Callot, R Vially, J Schmitz, W Roest, M Patriat, B Loubrieu, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 27 (3), 633-649, 2010
Structural and microstructural evolution of the Rattlesnake Mountain Anticline (Wyoming, USA): new insights into the Sevier and Laramide orogenic stress build-up in the Bighorn …
N Beaudoin, R Leprêtre, N Bellahsen, O Lacombe, K Amrouch, JP Callot, ...
Tectonophysics 576, 20-45, 2012
Minibasins and salt canopy in foreland fold‐and‐thrust belts: The central Sivas Basin, Turkey
C Kergaravat, C Ribes, E Legeay, JP Callot, KS Kavak, JC Ringenbach
Tectonics 35 (6), 1342-1366, 2016
The use of palaeo-thermo-barometers and coupled thermal, fluid flow and pore-fluid pressure modelling for hydrocarbon and reservoir prediction in fold and thrust belts
F Roure, P Andriessen, JP Callot, JL Faure, H Ferket, E Gonzales, ...
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 348 (1), 87-114, 2010
Southeast Baffin volcanic margin and the North American‐Greenland plate separation
L Geoffroy, JP Callot, S Scaillet, A Skuce, JP Gélard, M Ravilly, J Angelier, ...
Tectonics 20 (4), 566-584, 2001
Salt tectonics in the Sivas Basin (Turkey): Crossing salt walls and minibasins
JP Callot, C Ribes, C Kergaravat, C Bonnel, H Temiz, A Poisson, ...
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France 185 (1), 2014
Development of volcanic passive margins: three-dimensional laboratory models
JP Callot, L Geoffroy, JP Brun
Tectonics 21 (doi:10.1029/2001TC901019), 1052, 2002
Fluvial sedimentation in a salt‐controlled mini‐basin: stratal patterns and facies assemblages, Sivas Basin, Turkey
C Ribes, C Kergaravat, C Bonnel, P Crumeyrolle, JP Callot, A Poisson, ...
Sedimentology 62 (6), 1513-1545, 2015
Interactions between continental breakup dynamics and large‐scale delta system evolution: Insights from the Cretaceous Ceduna delta system, Bight Basin, Southern Australian margin
N Espurt, JP Callot, J Totterdell, H Struckmeyer, R Vially
Tectonics 28 (6), 2009
Salt tectonics in the Sivas Basin, Turkey: outstanding seismic analogues from outcrops
JC Ringenbach, JF Salel, C Kergaravat, C Ribes, C Bonnel, JP Callot
first break 31 (6), 2013
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Articles 1–20