Glenn Orton
Glenn Orton
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
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The composition of Titan's stratosphere from Cassini/CIRS mid-infrared spectra
A Coustenis, RK Achterberg, BJ Conrath, DE Jennings, A Marten, ...
Icarus 189 (1), 35-62, 2007
Titan's atmospheric temperatures, winds, and composition
FM Flasar, RK Achterberg, BJ Conrath, PJ Gierasch, VG Kunde, CA Nixon, ...
science 308 (5724), 975-978, 2005
New section of the HITRAN database: Collision-induced absorption (CIA)
C Richard, IE Gordon, LS Rothman, M Abel, L Frommhold, M Gustafsson, ...
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 113 (11), 1276-1285, 2012
Exploring the Saturn system in the thermal infrared: The composite infrared spectrometer
FM Flasar, VG Kunde, MM Abbas, RK Achterberg, P Ade, A Barucci, ...
The Cassini-Huygens Mission: Orbiter Remote Sensing Investigations, 169-297, 2004
Jupiter’s interior and deep atmosphere: The initial pole-to-pole passes with the Juno spacecraft
SJ Bolton, A Adriani, V Adumitroaie, M Allison, J Anderson, S Atreya, ...
Science 356 (6340), 821-825, 2017
The juno mission
SJ Bolton, J Lunine, D Stevenson, JEP Connerney, S Levin, TC Owen, ...
Space Science Reviews 213, 5-37, 2017
HST imaging of atmospheric phenomena created by the impact of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9
HB Hammel, RF Beebe, AP Ingersoll, GS Orton, JR Mills, AA Simon, ...
Science 267 (5202), 1288-1296, 1995
Temperatures, winds, and composition in the Saturnian system
FM Flasar, RK Achterberg, BJ Conrath, JC Pearl, GL Bjoraker, ...
science 307 (5713), 1247-1251, 2005
Near-infrared spectroscopy and spectral mapping of Jupiter and the Galilean satellites: Results from Galileo's initial orbit
R Carlson, W Smythe, K Baines, E Barbinis, K Becker, R Burns, S Calcutt, ...
Science 274 (5286), 385-388, 1996
Phosphine on jupiter and saturn from cassini/cirs
LN Fletcher, GS Orton, NA Teanby, PGJ Irwin
Icarus 202 (2), 543-564, 2009
The near-millimeter brightness temperature spectra of Uranus and Neptune
MJ Griffin, GS Orton
Icarus 105 (2), 537-547, 1993
Methane and its isotopologues on Saturn from Cassini/CIRS observations
LN Fletcher, GS Orton, NA Teanby, PGJ Irwin, GL Bjoraker
Icarus 199 (2), 351-367, 2009
Dynamics of Jupiter’s atmosphere
AP Ingersoll, TE Dowling, PJ Gierasch, GS Orton, PL Read, ...
Jupiter: The planet, satellites and magnetosphere 105, 2004
Infrared polar brightening on Jupiter: III. Spectrometry from the Voyager 1 IRIS experiment
SJ Kim, J Caldwell, AR Rivolo, R Wagener, GS Orton
Icarus 64 (2), 233-248, 1985
Optical properties of NH3 ice from the far infrared to the near ultraviolet
JV Martonchik, GS Orton, JF Appleby
Applied optics 23 (4), 541-547, 1984
Galileo's first images of Jupiter and the Galilean satellites
MJS Belton, JW Head III, AP Ingersoll, R Greeley, AS McEwen, ...
Science 274 (5286), 377-385, 1996
The water abundance in Jupiter’s equatorial zone
C Li, A Ingersoll, S Bolton, S Levin, M Janssen, S Atreya, J Lunine, ...
Nature Astronomy 4 (6), 609-616, 2020
Clusters of cyclones encircling Jupiter’s poles
A Adriani, A Mura, G Orton, C Hansen, F Altieri, ML Moriconi, J Rogers, ...
Nature 555 (7695), 216-219, 2018
Galileo imaging of Jupiter's atmosphere: The Great Red Spot, equatorial region, and white ovals
AR Vasavada, AP Ingersoll, D Banfield, M Bell, PJ Gierasch, MJS Belton, ...
Icarus 135 (1), 265-275, 1998
The distribution of ammonia on Jupiter from a preliminary inversion of Juno microwave radiometer data
C Li, A Ingersoll, M Janssen, S Levin, S Bolton, V Adumitroaie, M Allison, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (11), 5317-5325, 2017
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Articles 1–20