Malcolm I. Ross
Malcolm I. Ross
Geothermal Evagelist, Univ of Texas & Rice University Adjunct Faculty & Lecturer
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A hierarchical tectonic model of the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean region
MI Ross, CR Scotese
Tectonophysics 155 (1-4), 139-168, 1988
Phanerozoic paleogeographic and paleoclimatic modeling maps
JR Golonka, MI Ross, CR Scotese
CSPG Special Publications, 1994
Age and spreading history of the Cayman Trough as determined from depth, heat flow, and magnetic anomalies
E Rosencrantz, MI Ross, JG Sclater
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 93 (B3), 2141-2157, 1988
Tectonic fabric map of the ocean basins from satellite altimetry data
LM Gahagan, CR Scotese, JY Royer, DT Sandwell, JK Winn, RL Tomlins, ...
Tectonophysics 155 (1-4), 1-26, 1988
North America; Plate-tectonic setting and tectonic elements
AW Bally, CR Scotese, MI Ross
Evidence from the Antarctic continental margin of late Paleogene ice sheets: A manifestation of plate reorganization and synchronous changes in atmospheric circulation over the …
LR Bartek, LC Sloan, JB Anderson, MI Ross, DR Prothero, WA Berggren
Eocene‐Oligocene climatic and biotic evolution, 131-159, 1992
Preliminary reconstructions for the Cretaceous to Cainozoic of the New Zealand-New Caledonia region
AM Walley, MI Ross
Bureau of Mineral Resources and Petroleum Division of the Australian Mineral …, 1991
Sequence stratigraphy of the lower Neocomian Barrow Delta, Exmouth Plateau, northwestern Australia
MI Ross, PR Vail
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA), 1994
PaleoGIS/Arcview 3.5
MI Ross, CR Scotese
PALEOMAP Project, University of Texas, Arlington, 2000
Atlas of Mesozoic and Cenozoic Plate Tectonic Reconstructions 1987 (Paleoceanographic Mapping Project)
CR Scotese, LM Gahagan, MI Ross, JY Royer, RD Mueller, D Nuernberg, ...
Institute for Geophysics, 1987
Rapid autonomous marine 4D (RAM4D): Unmanned time-lapse seismic acquisition
D Chalenski, P Hatchell, J Lopez, M Ross, H Potters, K Broker
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2017, 5968-5973, 2017
Ranking" white space" frontier regions-an arctic example illustrating the power of integrating plate tectonic reconstructions into regional evaluations
P Winefield, GS Steffens, S Bergman, A Bishop, M Wannier, M Dimarco, ...
Offshore Technology Conference, OTC-21311-MS, 2011
Influence of plate tectonic re-organisations and tectonic subsidence on the Mesozoic stratigraphy of northwestern and southeastern Australia: implications for sequence …
MI Ross
The APPEA Journal 35 (1), 253-279, 1995
Integrating plate tectonic reconstruction and mantle dynamics: A valuable aid in frontier exploration
E Hafkenscheid, K Warners-Ruckstuhl, C van Oosterhoot, S Bergman, ...
Poster# EGU2013-3204 at the EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2013
Paleogeographic reconstruction of an area of the earth crust
K Philipp, M Ross, CWM Van Oosterhout
US Patent 10,705,252, 2020
Geologic and Geophysical Constraints on Crustal Type and Tectonic Evolution of the Gulf of Mexico
M Ross, S Mukherjee, L Kennan, GS Steffens, S Barker, H Hunter-Huston, ...
A tale of two glaciations
P Spaak, M Ross
GEO 2010, cp-248-00166, 2010
Phanerozoic paleoclimate simulations: a comparison of the parametric climate model and the low resolution climate model
MI Ross, CR Scotese, B Otto-Bliesner
Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs;(United States) 24 …, 1992
Some Surprising Ways That Plate Tectonic, Paleogeographic, and Paleoclimatic Models are Used in Resource (Hydrocarbon & Mineral) Exploration
M Ross
International Conference and Exhibition, Melbourne, Australia 13-16 …, 2015
A Tale of two glaciations. International Conference on the Geology of the Arabian Plate and the Oman Mountains, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, 2012, Abstract.
P Spaak, M Ross
GeoArabia, Journal of the Middle East Petroleum Geosciences 17 (3), p. 233., 2012
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Articles 1–20