Postma, G.
Postma, G.
Emeritus professor in process sedimentology
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Large floating clasts in turbidites: a mechanism for their emplacement
G Postma, W Nemec, KL Kleinspehn
Sedimentary geology 58 (1), 47-61, 1988
Depositional architecture and facies of river and fan deltas: a synthesis
G Postma
Coarse-grained deltas 10, 13-27, 1990
Quaternary alluvial fans in southwestern Crete: sedimentation processes and geomorphic evolution
W Nemec, G Postma
Alluvial sedimentation 17, 235-276, 1993
Classification for sediment gravity-flow deposits based on flow conditions during sedimentation
G Postma
Geology 14 (4), 291-294, 1986
A 300-kyr record of aridity and wind strength in southwestern Africa: inferences from grain-size distributions of sediments on Walvis Ridge, SE Atlantic
JBW Stuut, MA Prins, RR Schneider, GJ Weltje, JHF Jansen, G Postma
Marine Geology 180 (1-4), 221-233, 2002
Morphodynamics and sedimentary structures of bedforms under supercritical‐flow conditions: new insights from flume experiments
MJB Cartigny, D Ventra, G Postma, JH van Den Berg
Sedimentology 61 (3), 712-748, 2014
A comparative study of sediment waves and cyclic steps based on geometries, internal structures and numerical modeling
MJB Cartigny, G Postma, JH Van den Berg, DR Mastbergen
Marine Geology 280 (1-4), 40-56, 2011
Controls on terrigenous sediment supply to the Arabian Sea during the late Quaternary: the Makran continental slope
MA Prins, G Postma, GJ Weltje
Marine Geology 169 (3-4), 351-371, 2000
An analysis of the variation in delta architecture
G Postma
Terra Nova 2 (2), 124-130, 1990
Key future directions for research on turbidity currents and their deposits
PJ Talling, J Allin, DA Armitage, RWC Arnott, MJB Cartigny, MA Clare, ...
Journal of Sedimentary Research 85 (2), 153-169, 2015
Resedimented conglomerates in the bottomsets of Gilbert-type gravel deltas
G Postma, TB Roep
Journal of Sedimentary Research 55 (6), 874-885, 1985
Mass-flow conglomerates in a submarine canyon: Abrioja fan-delta, Pliocene, southeast Spain
G Postma
CSPG Special Publications, 1984
Uplift history of a Betic fold nappe inferred from Neogene-Quaternary sedimentation and tectonics (in the Sierra Alhamilla and Almeria, Sorbas and Tabernas Basins of the Betic …
R Weijermars, TB Roep, B Van den Eeckhout, G Postma, K Kleverlaan
Geologie en Mijnbouw 64, 397-411, 1985
Water escape structures in the context of a depositional model of a mass flow dominated conglomeratic fan‐delta (Abrioja Formation, Pliocene, Almeria Basin, SE Spain)
G Postma
Sedimentology 30 (1), 91-103, 1983
Controls on terrigenous sediment supply to the Arabian Sea during the late Quaternary: the Indus Fan
MA Prins, G Postma, J Cleveringa, A Cramp, NH Kenyon
Marine Geology 169 (3-4), 327-349, 2000
Supercritical and subcritical turbidity currents and their deposits—A synthesis
G Postma, MJB Cartigny
Geology 42 (11), 987-990, 2014
Geology of deltas
MN Oti, G Postma
AA Balkema, 1995
Fluvial response to sea‐level changes: a quantitative analogue, experimental approach
M Van Heijst, G Postma
Basin Research 13 (3), 269-292, 2001
Slumps and their deposits in fan delta front and slope
G Postma
Geology 12 (1), 27-30, 1984
Concentration-dependent flow stratification in experimental high-density turbidity currents and their relevance to turbidite facies models
MJB Cartigny, JT Eggenhuisen, EWM Hansen, G Postma
Journal of Sedimentary Research 83 (12), 1047-1065, 2013
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Articles 1–20