Benjamin Klein
Benjamin Klein
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Cited by
Associating neural word embeddings with deep image representations using fisher vectors
B Klein, G Lev, G Sadeh, L Wolf
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2015
A dynamic convolutional layer for short range weather prediction
B Klein, L Wolf, Y Afek
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2015
Rnn fisher vectors for action recognition and image annotation
G Lev, G Sadeh, B Klein, L Wolf
Computer Vision–ECCV 2016: 14th European Conference, Amsterdam, The …, 2016
System and method for content-based media analysis
AG Haviv, BE Klein, K Shetty
US Patent 10,055,489, 2018
End-to-end supervised product quantization for image search and retrieval
B Klein, L Wolf
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2019
In defense of word embedding for generic text representation
G Lev, B Klein, L Wolf
Natural Language Processing and Information Systems: 20th International …, 2015
Discriminative ferns ensemble for hand pose recognition
E Krupka, A Vinnikov, B Klein, A Bar Hillel, D Freedman, S Stachniak
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2014
Hand pose recognition using boosted look up tables
E Krupka, A Vinnikov, BE Klein, SP Stachniak
US Patent App. 14/546,750, 2015
Finding Inexact Quotations Within a Tibetan Buddhist Corpus.
BE Klein, N Dershowitz, L Wolf, O Almogi, D Wangchuk
DH, 2014
Interaction analysis and prediction based neural networking
D Galron, YM Brovman, BE Klein, A Drozdov, H Yu
US Patent App. 15/869,364, 2018
System and Method for Content-Based Media Analysis
AG Haviv, BE Klein, K Shetty
US Patent App. 16/038,994, 2018
System and method for detecting visually similar items
BE Klein, AG Haviv
US Patent 11,769,193, 2023
Learning query expansion over the nearest neighbor graph
B Klein, L Wolf
arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.02666, 2021
Learning fast hand pose recognition
E Krupka, A Vinnikov, B Klein, A Bar-Hillel, D Freedman, S Stachniak, ...
Computer Vision and Machine Learning with RGB-D Sensors, 267-287, 2014
System and method for detecting visually similar items
BE Klein, AG Haviv
US Patent App. 18/235,018, 2023
Integrated image system based on image search feature
MA Titus, H Kim, BE Klein, B Li, M Manco, SA Neola, AD Shea
US Patent 11,816,143, 2023
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Articles 1–16