Grigory Kolesov
Cited by
Cited by
Sequence and analysis of chromosome 5 of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana
Kazusa DNA Research Institute, ...
Nature 408 (6814), 823-826, 2000
MIPS Arabidopsis thaliana Database (MAtDB): an integrated biological knowledge resource based on the first complete plant genome
H Schoof, P Zaccaria, H Gundlach, K Lemcke, S Rudd, G Kolesov, ...
Nucleic Acids Research 30 (1), 91-93, 2002
How gene order is influenced by the biophysics of transcription regulation
G Kolesov, Z Wunderlich, ON Laikova, MS Gelfand, LA Mirny
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (35), 13948-13953, 2007
Snipping polymorphisms from large EST collections in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
R Kota, S Rudd, A Facius, G Kolesov, T Thiel, H Zhang, N Stein, K Mayer, ...
Molecular Genetics and Genomics 270, 24-33, 2003
The PEDANT genome database
D Frishman, M Mokrejs, D Kosykh, G Kastenmüller, G Kolesov, I Zubrzycki, ...
Nucleic Acids Research 31 (1), 207-211, 2003
GeneNet: a gene network database and its automated visualization.
FA Kolpakov, EA Ananko, GB Kolesov, NA Kolchanov
Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 14 (6), 529-537, 1998
eReaxFF: a pseudoclassical treatment of explicit electrons within reactive force field simulations
MM Islam, G Kolesov, T Verstraelen, E Kaxiras, ACT Van Duin
Journal of chemical theory and computation 12 (8), 3463-3472, 2016
Protein knot server: detection of knots in protein structures
G Kolesov, P Virnau, M Kardar, LA Mirny
Nucleic acids research 35 (suppl_2), W425-W428, 2007
Identification and functional analysis of ‘hypothetical’ genes expressed in Haemophilus influenzae
E Kolker, KS Makarova, S Shabalina, AF Picone, S Purvine, T Holzman, ...
Nucleic acids research 32 (8), 2353-2361, 2004
SNAPping up functionally related genes based on context information: a colinearity-free approach
G Kolesov, HW Mewes, D Frishman
Journal of Molecular Biology 311 (4), 639-656, 2001
Real-time TD-DFT with classical ion dynamics: Methodology and applications
G Kolesov, O Grånäs, R Hoyt, D Vinichenko, E Kaxiras
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 12 (2), 466-476, 2016
Anatomy of the photochemical reaction: Excited-state dynamics reveals the C–H acidity mechanism of methoxy photo-oxidation on titania
G Kolesov, D Vinichenko, GA Tritsaris, CM Friend, E Kaxiras
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6 (9), 1624-1627, 2015
Dynamics of the Photogenerated Hole at the Rutile TiO2(110)/Water Interface: A Nonadiabatic Simulation Study
GA Tritsaris, D Vinichenko, G Kolesov, CM Friend, E Kaxiras
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (47), 27393-27401, 2014
Ultrafast modification of the electronic structure of a correlated insulator
O Grånäs, I Vaskivskyi, X Wang, P Thunström, S Ghimire, R Knut, ...
Physical Review Research 4 (3), L032030, 2022
SNAPper: gene order predicts gene function
G Kolesov, HW Mewes, D Frishman
Bioinformatics 18 (7), 1017-1019, 2002
Application of Pontryagin's minimum principle to Grover's quantum search problem
C Lin, Y Wang, G Kolesov, U Kalabić
Physical Review A 100 (2), 022327, 2019
Preparation, applications, and digital simulation of carbon interdigitated array electrodes
F Liu, G Kolesov, BA Parkinson
Analytical chemistry 86 (15), 7391-7398, 2014
GenExpress: A Computer System for Description, Analysis and Recognition of Regulatory Sequences in Eukaryotic Genome.
NA Kolchanov, MP Ponomarenko, AE Kel, YV Kondrakhin, AS Frolov, ...
ISMB 6, 95-104, 1998
Lineage-specific differences in the amino acid substitution process
S Huzurbazar, G Kolesov, SE Massey, KC Harris, A Churbanov, ...
Journal of molecular biology 396 (5), 1410-1421, 2010
Imaginary-time time-dependent density functional theory and its application for robust convergence of electronic states
C Flamant, G Kolesov, E Manousakis, E Kaxiras
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 15 (11), 6036-6045, 2019
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