Sea-Jin Chang
Sea-Jin Chang
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Common method variance in international business research
SJ Chang, A Van Witteloostuijn, L Eden
Research methods in international business, 385-398, 2020
Economic performance of group-affiliated companies in Korea: Intragroup resource sharing and internal business transactions
SJ Chang, J Hong
Academy of Management journal 43 (3), 429-448, 2000
Technological capabilities and Japanese foreign direct investment in the United States
B Kogut, SJ Chang
The review of economics and statistics, 401-413, 1991
International expansion strategy of Japanese firms: Capability building through sequential entry
SJ Chang
Academy of Management journal 38 (2), 383-407, 1995
The choice of entry mode in sequential foreign direct investment
SJ Chang, PM Rosenzweig
Strategic management journal 22 (8), 747-776, 2001
Ownership structure, expropriation, and performance of group-affiliated companies in Korea
SJ Chang
Academy of Management journal 46 (2), 238-253, 2003
Strategy, structure and performance of Korean business groups: A transactions cost approach
SJ Chang, U Choi
The journal of industrial economics, 141-158, 1988
An evolutionary perspective on diversification and corporate restructuring: entry, exit, and economic performance during 1981–89
SJ Chang
Strategic management journal 17 (8), 587-611, 1996
When and how does business group affiliation promote firm innovation? A tale of two emerging economies
SJ Chang, CN Chung, IP Mahmood
Organization science 17 (5), 637-656, 2006
Platform investments and volatile exchange rates: Direct investment in the US by Japanese electronic companies
B Kogut, SJ Chang
The review of Economics and Statistics, 221-231, 1996
Venture capital financing, strategic alliances, and the initial public offerings of Internet startups
SJ Chang
Journal of Business Venturing 19 (5), 721-741, 2004
Spillovers and competition among foreign and local firms in China
SJ Chang, D Xu
Strategic Management Journal 29 (5), 495-518, 2008
Financial crisis and transformation of Korean business groups: The rise and fall of chaebols
SJ Chang
Cambridge university press, 2003
How much does the business group matter in Korea?
SJ Chang, J Hong
Strategic Management Journal 23 (3), 265-274, 2002
Corporate and industry effects on business unit competitive position
SJ Chang, H Singh
Strategic management journal 21 (7), 739-752, 2000
Rapid FDI expansion and firm performance
SJ Chang, JH Rhee
Journal of International Business Studies 42, 979-994, 2011
Types of firms generating network externalities and MNCs' co‐location decisions
SJ Chang, S Park
Strategic Management Journal 26 (7), 595-615, 2005
The impact of modes of entry and resource fit on modes of exit by multibusiness firms
SJ Chang, H Singh
Strategic Management Journal 20 (11), 1019-1035, 1999
When do wholly owned subsidiaries perform better than joint ventures?
SJ Chang, J Chung, JJ Moon
Strategic Management Journal 34 (3), 317-337, 2013
When does transitioning from family to professional management improve firm performance?
SJ Chang, J Shim
Strategic Management Journal 36 (9), 1297-1316, 2015
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Articles 1–20