Yanhui Liu
Yanhui Liu
Center for Dynamical Biomarkers
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Statistical properties of the volatility of price fluctuations
Y Liu, P Gopikrishnan, HE Stanley
Physical review e 60 (2), 1390, 1999
Correlations in economic time series
Y Liu, P Cizeau, M Meyer, CK Peng, HE Stanley
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 245 (3-4), 437-440, 1997
Exaggerated heart rate oscillations during two meditation techniques
CK Peng, JE Mietus, Y Liu, G Khalsa, PS Douglas, H Benson, ...
International journal of cardiology 70 (2), 101-107, 1999
Quantifying fractal dynamics of human respiration: age and gender effects
CK Peng, JE Mietus, Y Liu, C Lee, JM Hausdorff, HE Stanley, ...
Annals of biomedical engineering 30, 683-692, 2002
Volatility distribution in the S&P500 stock index
P Cizeau, Y Liu, M Meyer, CK Peng, HE Stanley
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 245 (3-4), 441-445, 1997
Econophysics: Can physicists contribute to the science of economics?
HE Stanley, LAN Amaral, D Canning, P Gopikrishnan, Y Lee, Y Liu
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 269 (1), 156-169, 1999
Scaling and correlation in financial time series
P Gopikrishnan, V Plerou, Y Liu, LAN Amaral, X Gabaix, HE Stanley
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 287 (3-4), 362-373, 2000
Nonlinear phase interaction between nonstationary signals: a comparison study of methods based on Hilbert-Huang and Fourier transforms
MT Lo, V Novak, CK Peng, Y Liu, K Hu
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 79 (6 …, 2009
Multimodal pressure-flow analysis: Application of Hilbert Huang transform in cerebral blood flow regulation
MT Lo, K Hu, Y Liu, CK Peng, V Novak
EURASIP journal on advances in signal processing 2008, 1-15, 2008
Econophysics: can statistical physics contribute to the science of economics?
LAN Amaral, P Cizeau, P Gopikrishnan, Y Liu, M Meyer, CK Peng, ...
Computer Physics Communications 121, 145-152, 1999
HHT based cardiopulmonary coupling analysis for sleep apnea detection
D Liu, X Yang, G Wang, J Ma, Y Liu, CK Peng, J Zhang, J Fang
Sleep medicine 13 (5), 503-509, 2012
ECG-derived cardiopulmonary analysis of pediatric sleep-disordered breathing
D Guo, CK Peng, HL Wu, JE Mietus, Y Liu, RS Sun, RJ Thomas
Sleep Medicine 12 (4), 384-389, 2011
A nonlinear dynamic approach reveals a long-term stroke effect on cerebral blood flow regulation at multiple time scales
K Hu, MT Lo, CK Peng, Y Liu, V Novak
PLoS computational biology 8 (7), e1002601, 2012
Assessing severity of obstructive sleep apnea by fractal dimension sequence analysis of sleep EEG
J Zhang, XC Yang, L Luo, J Shao, C Zhang, J Ma, GF Wang, Y Liu, ...
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 388 (20), 4407-4414, 2009
Dynamic cerebral autoregulation assessment using extracranial internal carotid artery doppler ultrasonography
NF Chi, HL Ku, CY Wang, Y Liu, L Chan, YC Lin, CK Peng, V Novak, ...
Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology 43 (7), 1307-1313, 2017
Automated sleep staging technique based on the empirical mode decomposition algorithm: a preliminary study
J Dong, D Liu, C Zhang, J Ma, G Wang, D Guo, Y Liu, H Zhong, J Zhang, ...
Advances in adaptive data analysis 2 (02), 267-276, 2010
Econophysics: what can physicists contribute to economics?
HE Stanley, LA Nunes Amaral, P Gopikrishnan, V Plerou, B Rosenow
Traffic and Granular Flow’99: Social, Traffic, and Granular Dynamics, 15-30, 2000
Systems and methods for assessing dynamic cerebral autoregulation
MT Lo, Y Liu
US Patent 8,211,022, 2012
Systems and methods for quantitatively characterizing slow wave activities and states in sleep
D Guo, Y Liu
US Patent 8,280,501, 2012
Economic dynamics from the physics point of view
F Schweitzer, D Helbing, HE Stanley, P Gopikrishnan, V Plerou, Y Liu, ...
Physica A 287 (3/4), 339-691, 2000
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Articles 1–20