Sigrun Sveinbjornsdottir
Sigrun Sveinbjornsdottir
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Adolescent coping scales: A critical psychometric review
S Sveinbjornsdottir, EB Thorsteinsson
Scandinavian journal of psychology 49 (6), 533-548, 2008
The mediating effects of social support and coping on the stress-depression relationship in rural and urban adolescents
EB Thorsteinsson, SM Ryan, S Sveinbjornsdottir
Open Journal of Depression 2 (01), 1, 2013
Suicidal risk and sexual orientation in adolescence: A population-based study in Iceland
A Arnarsson, S Sveinbjornsdottir, EB Thorsteinsson, T Bjarnason
Scandinavian journal of public health 43 (5), 497-505, 2015
Sexual orientation among Icelandic year 10 adolescents: Changes in health and life satisfaction from 2006 to 2014
EB Thorsteinsson, NM Loi, S Sveinbjornsdottir, A Arnarsson
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 58 (6), 530-540, 2017
Negative life events, distress, and coping among adolescents in Botswana
EB Thorsteinsson, S Sveinbjornsdottir, M Dintsi, SE Rooke
Australian Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 2013
Psychometric properties of the measure of adolescent coping strategies (MACS)
S Sveinbjornsdottir
Psychology 5 (02), 142, 2014
Ársæll M. Arnarsson og Andrea Hjálmsdóttir.(2010). Lífsánægja samkynhneigðra unglinga í 10. bekk
S Sveinbjörnsdóttir, Þ Bjarnason
Sálfræðiritið–Tímarit Sálfræðingafélags Íslands 15, 23-36, 0
Bjargráð unglinga
S Sveinbjörnsdóttir
Spjörun unglinga-kynbundnar leiðir
S Sveinbjörnsdóttir
Bjargráð unglinga og mæling þeirra: bjargráðakvarðinn MACS (Measure of Adolescent Coping Strategies)
S Sveinbjörnsdóttir
Model fit and comparisons for the measure of adolescent coping strategies (MACS): Fiji, Iceland, and Australia
S Sveinbjornsdottir, EB Thorsteinsson, GI Lingam
Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology 11, e12, 2017
The assessment of adolescent coping: development of a new measure
S Sveinbjörnsdóttir
La Trobe University, 2001
Spjörun unglinga kynbundnar leiðir. Helga Ólafs og Hulda Proppé (ritstj.)
S Sveinbjörnsdóttir
Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum XI, félags-og mannvísindadeild, 2010
Lífsánægja samkynhneigðra unglinga í 10. bekk
S Sveinbjörnsdóttir, Þ Bjarnason, ÁM Arnarsson, A Hjálmsdóttir
Sálfræðingafélag Íslands, 2010
Social indicators of health and wellbeing of Icelandic students according to sexual orientation: 2006 to 2018
EB Thorsteinsson, NM Loi, A Arnarsson, S Sveinbjornsdottir
HBSC Spring Meeting 2019, 2019
Health and life satisfaction among 16 year old Icelandic students by sexual orientation: From 2006 to 2018
EB Thorsteinsson, NM Loi, A Arnarsson, S Sveinbjornsdottir
HBSC Spring Meeting 2019, 2019
Sexual orientation, health and life satisfaction among Icelandic year 10 adolescents: Changes from 2006 to 2014
EB Thorsteinsson, N Loi, S Sveinbjornsdottir, A Arnarsson
HBSC Spring 2017 Meeting Programme, 2017
Satisfaction with school and sexual orientation: Icelandic urban and rural adolescent populations
S Sveinbjornsdottir, EB Thorsteinsson, ÁM Arnarson
4th Biannual Conference on Nordic Rural Research: Book of abstracts, 2016
Sexual orientation and health and well-being: Population based youth studies in Iceland
S Sveinbjornsdottir, EB Thorsteinsson, AM Arnarson
Nordic Youth Research Symposium Program, 2016
Upplifun unglinga á almennri líkamlegri og andlegri heilsu með hliðsjón af kynhneigð
S Sveinbjörnsdóttir, EB Þorsteinsson, Þ Bjarnason
Sálfræðiritið: Tímarit Sálfræðingafélag Íslands, 2012
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Articles 1–20