Andréa Matsunaga
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Cited by
Cloudblast: Combining mapreduce and virtualization on distributed resources for bioinformatics applications
A Matsunaga, M Tsugawa, J Fortes
2008 IEEE Fourth International Conference on eScience, 222-229, 2008
Sky computing
K Keahey, M Tsugawa, A Matsunaga, J Fortes
IEEE Internet Computing 13 (5), 43-51, 2009
From virtualized resources to virtual computing grids: the In-VIGO system
S Adabala, V Chadha, P Chawla, R Figueiredo, J Fortes, I Krsul, ...
Future generation computer systems 21 (6), 896-909, 2005
On the use of machine learning to predict the time and resources consumed by applications
A Matsunaga, JAB Fortes
2010 10th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Cluster, Cloud and Grid …, 2010
Semantics in support of biodiversity knowledge discovery: an introduction to the biological collections ontology and related ontologies
RL Walls, J Deck, R Guralnick, S Baskauf, R Beaman, S Blum, S Bowers, ...
PloS one 9 (3), e89606, 2014
Cloud computing security: What changes with software-defined networking?
M Tsugawa, A Matsunaga, JAB Fortes
Secure Cloud Computing, 77-93, 2013
Transnational information sharing, event notification, rule enforcement and process coordination
S Su, J Fortes, TR Kasad, M Patil, A Matsunaga, M Tsugawa, ...
International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR) 1 (2), 1-26, 2005
Single sign-on in in-vigo: Role-based access via delegation mechanisms using short-lived user identities
S Adabala, A Matsunaga, M Tsugawa, R Figueiredo, JAB Fortes
18th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2004 …, 2004
A service-oriented, scalable approach to grid-enabling of legacy scientific applications
V Sanjeepan, A Matsunaga, L Zhu, H Lam, JAB Fortes
IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'05), 2005
User-level virtual networking mechanisms to support virtual machine migration over multiple clouds
M Tsugawa, P Riteau, A Matsunaga, J Fortes
2010 IEEE Globecom Workshops, 568-572, 2010
A computational-and storage-cloud for integration of biodiversity collections
A Matsunaga, A Thompson, RJ Figueiredo, CC Germain-Aubrey, ...
2013 IEEE 9th International Conference on e-Science, 78-87, 2013
Large-scale cloud computing research: Sky computing on FutureGrid and Grid'5000
P Riteau, M Tsugawa, A Matsunaga, J Fortes, K Keahey
ERCIM News, 41-42, 2010
Workforce-efficient consensus in crowdsourced transcription of biocollections information
A Matsunaga, A Mast, JAB Fortes
Future Generation Computer Systems 56, 526-536, 2016
Science gateways made easy: the In‐VIGO approach
AM Matsunaga, MO Tsugawa, S Adabala, RJ Figueiredo, H Lam, ...
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 19 (6), 905-919, 2007
User-level virtual network support for sky computing
M Tsugawa, A Matsunaga, J Fortes
2009 Fifth IEEE International Conference on e-Science, 72-79, 2009
Design and implementation of middleware for cloud disaster recovery via virtual machine migration management
TS Kang, M Tsugawa, A Matsunaga, T Hirofuchi, JAB Fortes
2014 IEEE/ACM 7th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing …, 2014
On the use of virtualization and service technologies to enable grid-computing
A Matsunaga, M Tsugawa, M Zhao, L Zhu, V Sanjeepan, S Adabala, ...
Euro-Par 2005 Parallel Processing: 11th International Euro-Par Conference …, 2005
Integration of text-based applications into service-oriented architectures for transnational digital government
A Matsunaga, M Tsugawa, JAB Fortes
Proceedings of the 8th annual international conference on Digital government …, 2007
Sky computing on futuregrid and grid’5000
P Riteau, M Tsugawa, A Matsunaga, J Fortes, T Freeman, D LaBissoniere, ...
5th Annual TeraGrid Conference: Poster Session 68, 119, 2010
Towards real-time communication between in vivo neurophysiological data sources and simulator-based brain biomimetic models
G Lee, A Matsunaga, S Dura-Bernal, W Zhang, WW Lytton, JT Francis, ...
Journal of Computational Surgery 1, 1-23, 2014
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Articles 1–20