Jouni Kuha
Jouni Kuha
Professor of Social Statistics, London School of Economics
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AIC and BIC comparisons of assumptions and performance
J Kuha
Sociological Methods & Research 33 (2), 188-229, 2004
Developing European indicators of trust in justice
J Jackson, B Bradford, M Hough, J Kuha, S Stares, S Widdop, ...
European journal of criminology 8 (4), 267-285, 2011
Ethnic diversity, segregation and the social cohesion of neighbourhoods in London
P Sturgis, I Brunton-Smith, J Kuha, J Jackson
Multiculturalism, Social Cohesion and Immigration, 22-45, 2017
Incidence of sciatic pain among men in machine operating, dynamic physical work, and sedentary work: a three-year follow-up
H Riihimäki, E Viikari-Juntura, G Moneta, J Kuha, T Videman, S Tola
Spine 19 (2), 138-142, 1994
The mobility problem in B ritain: new findings from the analysis of birth cohort data
E Bukodi, JH Goldthorpe, L Waller, J Kuha
The British journal of sociology 66 (1), 93-117, 2015
Organizational support for the workforce and employee safety citizenship behaviors: A social exchange relationship
TW Reader, K Mearns, C Lopes, J Kuha
Human relations 70 (3), 362-385, 2017
Report of the inquiry into the 2015 British general election opinion polls
P Sturgis, B Nick, C Mario, F Stephen, G Jane, W Jennings, K Jouni, ...
Market Research Society and British Polling Council, 2016
On group comparisons with logistic regression models
J Kuha, C Mills
Sociological Methods & Research 49 (2), 498-525, 2020
Two-step estimation of models between latent classes and external variables
Z Bakk, J Kuha
Psychometrika 83, 871-892, 2018
Relating latent class membership to external variables: An overview
Z Bakk, J Kuha
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 74 (2), 340-362, 2021
Trust in justice: Topline results from the round 5 of the European Social Survey
J Jackson, M Hough, B Bradford, T Pooler, K Hohl, J Kuha
European Social Survey (2011)." Trust in Justice: Topline findings from the …, 2011
Multidimensional predictors of physical frailty in older people: identifying how and for whom they exert their effects
YY Ding, J Kuha, M Murphy
Biogerontology 18, 237-252, 2017
Categorical data analysis and misclassification
J Kuha, CJ Skinner
Wiley, 1997
Corrections for exposure measurement error in logistic regression models with an application to nutritional data
J Kuha
Statistics in medicine 13 (11), 1135-1148, 1994
Empirical legitimacy as two connected psychological states
J Jackson, M Hough, B Bradford, J Kuha
Trust and legitimacy in criminal justice: European perspectives, 137-160, 2015
Policing by consent: understanding the dynamics of police power and legitimacy
J Jackson, M Hough, B Bradford, K Hohl, J Kuha
ESS country specific topline results series, 1, 2012
An Assessment of the Causes of the Errors in the 2015 UK General Election Opinion Polls
P Sturgis, J Kuha, N Baker, M Callegaro, S Fisher, J Green, W Jennings, ...
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 181 …, 2018
Covariate measurement error in quadratic regression
J Kuha, J Temple
International Statistical Review 71 (1), 131-150, 2003
The item count method for sensitive survey questions: modelling criminal behaviour
J Kuha, J Jackson
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics 63 (2 …, 2014
Residential segregation and the fertility of immigrants and their descendants
B Wilson, J Kuha
Population, Space and Place 24 (3), e2098, 2018
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Articles 1–20