Qunfei Zhou
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Cited by
Electronic coupling in metallophthalocyanine–transition metal dichalcogenide mixed-dimensional heterojunctions
SH Amsterdam, TK Stanev, Q Zhou, AJT Lou, H Bergeron, P Darancet, ...
ACS nano 13 (4), 4183-4190, 2019
Scandate cathode surface characterization: Emission testing, elemental analysis and morphological evaluation
X Liu, Q Zhou, TL Maxwell, BK Vancil, MJ Beck, TJ Balk
Materials Characterization 148, 188-200, 2019
BaxScyOz on W (0 0 1),(1 1 0), and (1 1 2) in scandate cathodes: Connecting to experiment via μO and equilibrium crystal shape
Q Zhou, X Liu, T Maxwell, B Vancil, TJ Balk, MJ Beck
Applied Surface Science 458, 827-838, 2018
Multifunctional Co–Mo films fabricated by electrochemical deposition
Q Zhou, LY Lu, LN Yu, XG Xu, Y Jiang
Electrochimica Acta 106, 258-263, 2013
Electronic Structure of Metallophthalocyanines, MPc (M= Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Mg) and Fluorinated MPc
Q Zhou, ZF Liu, TJ Marks, P Darancet
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 125 (19), 4055–4061, 2021
Mechanistic Investigation of Molybdenum Disulfide Defect Photoluminescence Quenching by Adsorbed Metallophthalocyanines
SH Amsterdam, TK Stanev, L Wang, Q Zhou, S Irgen-Gioro, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (41), 17153-17161, 2021
Molecular-Scale Characterization of Photoinduced Charge Separation in Mixed-Dimensional InSe–Organic van der Waals Heterostructures
S Li, C Zhong, A Henning, VK Sangwan, Q Zhou, X Liu, MS Rahn, ...
ACS nano 14 (3), 3509-3518, 2020
Charge Separation in Epitaxial SnS/MoS2 Vertical Heterojunctions Grown by Low-Temperature Pulsed MOCVD
JN Olding, A Henning, JT Dong, Q Zhou, MJ Moody, PJM Smeets, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11 (43), 40543-40550, 2019
Large Band Edge Tunability in Colloidal Nanoplatelets
Q Zhou, Y Cho, S Yang, EA Weiss, TC Berkelbach, P Darancet
Nano letters 19 (10), 7124-7129, 2019
Range-separated hybrid functionals for mixed dimensional heterojunctions: Application to phthalocyanines/MoS2
Q Zhou, ZF Liu, TJ Marks, P Darancet
APL Materials 9 (12), 121112, 2021
Sc-Containing (Scandate) Thermionic Cathodes: Mechanisms for Sc Enhancement of Emission
MN Seif, Q Zhou, X Liu, TJ Balk, MJ Beck
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2022
Sc-Containing (Scandate) Thermionic Cathodes: Fabrication, Microstructure, and Emission Performance
MN Seif, Q Zhou, X Liu, TJ Balk, MJ Beck
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2022
In-plane Wilson loop for measurement of quantized non-Abelian Berry flux
AC Tyner, S Sur, Q Zhou, D Puggioni, P Darancet, JM Rondinelli, ...
Physical Review B 109 (19), 195149, 2024
Toward Spatiotemporally Controlled Synthesis of Photoresponsive Polymers: Computational Design of Azobenzene-Containing Monomers for Light-Mediated ROMP
Q Zhou, I Fursule, BJ Berron, MJ Beck
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 120 (36), 7101-7111, 2016
Magnetic property and recording performance of chemical deposition CoP thin films
H Wang, Q Zhou, J Teng, L Wang, G Yu
Rare Metals 31 (3), 260-263, 2012
Analysis of faceted tungsten grains on the surfaces of scandate cathodes fabricated from LS and LL powders
X Liu, Q Zhou, T Maxwell, MJ Beck, TJ Balk, B Vancil
2018 IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC), 323-324, 2018
Interplay of composition, structure, and electron density of states in W-Os cathode materials and relationship with thermionic emission
Q Zhou, TJ Balk, MJ Beck
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 35 (2 …, 2017
Materials characterization of surface phases in scandate cathodes
TJ Balk, X Liu, Q Zhou, T Maxwell, MJ Beck, B Vancil
2018 IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC), 329-330, 2018
Stable structures and electron density of states of W-Os alloys for dispenser cathodes
Q Zhou, TJ Balk, MJ Beck
IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference, 525-526, 2014
Quantum mechanical investigation of thermionic emission from Os-coated tungsten dispenser cathodes
Q Zhou, TJ Balk, MJ Beck
2016 IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC), 1-2, 2016
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