Zahide Pamir
Zahide Pamir
Assistant Professor of Psychology & Neuroscience, Bilkent University
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Neural Correlates Associated with Impaired Global Motion Perception in Cerebral Visual Impairment (CVI)
Z Pamir, CM Bauer, ES Bailin, PJ Bex, DC Somers, LB Merabet
NeuroImage: Clinical, 102821, 2021
Integrated assessment of visual perception abnormalities in psychotic disorders and relationship with clinical characteristics
HB Türközer, T Hasoğlu, Y Chen, LA Norris, M Brown, N Delaney-Busch, ...
Psychological medicine 49 (10), 1740-1748, 2019
Contrast affects fMRI activity in middle temporal cortex related to center–surround interaction in motion perception
HB Turkozer, Z Pamir, H Boyaci
Frontiers in psychology 7, 178013, 2016
Poor resolution at the back of the tongue is the bottleneck for spatial pattern recognition
Z Pamir, MU Canoluk, JH Jung, E Peli
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 2435, 2020
Distinct patterns of surround modulation in V1 and hMT+
G Er, Z Pamir, H Boyaci
Neuroimage 220, 117084, 2020
Motion and form coherence processing in individuals with cerebral visual impairment
LB Merabet, CE Manley, Z Pamir, CM Bauer, J Skerswetat, PJ Bex
Developmental medicine and child neurology, 2023
Context-dependent lightness affects perceived contrast
Z Pamir, H Boyaci
Vision research 124, 24-33, 2016
Visual perception supported by verbal mediation in an individual with cerebral visual impairment (CVI)
Z Pamir, CM Bauer, CR Bennett, BS Kran, LB Merabet
Neuropsychologia 160, 107982, 2021
The variable spatial resolution is compensated by tip of the tongue tracing in pattern recognition
Z Pamir, MU Canoluk, JH Jung, E Peli
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 60 (9), 3310-3310, 2019
Visuospatial processing in early brain-based visual impairment is associated with differential recruitment of dorsal and ventral visual streams
Z Pamir, CE Manley, CM Bauer, PJ Bex, DD Dilks, LB Merabet
Cerebral Cortex 34 (5), bhae203, 2024
The Effect of context luminance on contrast perception
Z Pamir
Middle East Technical University, 2014
Yetişkin Beyninde Nöroplastisite: Duyu Kaybı Sonrası Beyinde ve Davranışta Ne, Neden Değişir?
B Yüce, T Karahan, Z Pamir
Nesne, 2024
Behavioral and neural correlates associated with visual search in cerebral visual impairment.
Z Pamir, CE Manley, CM Bauer, PJ Bex, DD Dilks, LB Merabet
Anatomy: International Journal of Experimental & Clinical Anatomy 17, 2023
Neural correlates associated with a virtual reality based dynamic visual search in Cerebral Visual Impairment
Z Pamir, CM Bauer, CE Manley, DD Dilks, LB Merabet
Journal of Vision 22 (14), 4140-4140, 2022
Preparing participants for the use of the tongue visual sensory substitution device
Z Pamir, JH Jung, E Peli
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 1-9, 2020
Context-dependent Lightness Affects Perceived Contrast at Threshold and Suprathreshold Levels
Z Pamir, H Boyaci
Journal of Vision 16 (12), 821-821, 2016
Context-dependent Lightness Affects Perceived
Z Pamir, H Boyaci
The Effect of Context-dependent Brightness on Contrast Perception
Z Pamir, H Boyaci
PERCEPTION 44, 156-156, 2015
Cortical Correlates of Motion Surround Suppression in Area MT
HB Turkozer, Z Pamir, H Boyaci
Perception ECVP abstract 42, 20-20, 2013
A neural evidence for the dissociation between mechanisms underlying detection and identification tasks
Z Pamir, BM Ürgen, G Er, H Boyaci
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Articles 1–20