Grace Morris
Grace Morris
Academic Department of Psychiatry, University of Sydney
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Cited by
The 2020 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of psychiatrists clinical practice guidelines for mood disorders: Bipolar disorder summary
GS Malhi, E Bell, P Boyce, D Bassett, M Berk, R Bryant, M Gitlin, ...
Bipolar disorders 22 (8), 805-821, 2020
The limitations of using randomised controlled trials as a basis for developing treatment guidelines
R Mulder, AB Singh, A Hamilton, P Das, T Outhred, G Morris, D Bassett, ...
BMJ Ment Health 21 (1), 4-6, 2018
The 2020 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists clinical practice guidelines for mood disorders: major depression summary
GS Malhi, E Bell, AB Singh, D Bassett, M Berk, P Boyce, R Bryant, M Gitlin, ...
Bipolar disorders 22 (8), 788-804, 2020
Modeling suicide in bipolar disorders
GS Malhi, T Outhred, P Das, G Morris, A Hamilton, Z Mannie
Bipolar disorders 20 (4), 334-348, 2018
Cognitive side-effects of electroconvulsive therapy: what are they, how to monitor them and what to tell patients
RJ Porter, BT Baune, G Morris, A Hamilton, D Bassett, P Boyce, ...
BJPsych open 6 (3), e40, 2020
Modelling mood disorders: an ACE solution?
GS Malhi, L Irwin, A Hamilton, G Morris, P Boyce, R Mulder, RJ Porter
Bipolar disorders 20, 4-16, 2018
The promise of digital mood tracking technologies: are we heading on the right track?
GS Malhi, A Hamilton, G Morris, Z Mannie, P Das, T Outhred
BMJ Ment Health 20 (4), 102-107, 2017
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists clinical practice guidelines for mood disorders: bipolar disorder summary
GS Malhi, T Outhred, G Morris, PM Boyce, R Bryant, PB Fitzgerald, ...
Medical Journal of Australia 208 (5), 219-225, 2018
Defining melancholia: a core mood disorder
G Parker, D Bassett, T Outhred, G Morris, A Hamilton, P Das, BT Baune, ...
Bipolar disorders 19 (3), 235-237, 2017
Treating depression with adjunctive antipsychotics
R Mulder, A Hamilton, L Irwin, P Boyce, G Morris, RJ Porter, GS Malhi
Bipolar disorders 20, 17-24, 2018
Cognition in depression: Can we THINC-it better?
BT Baune, GS Malhi, G Morris, T Outhred, A Hamilton, P Das, D Bassett, ...
Journal of Affective Disorders 225, 559-562, 2018
Defining disorders with permeable borders: you say bipolar, I say borderline!
D Bassett, R Mulder, T Outhred, A Hamilton, G Morris, P Das, M Berk, ...
Bipolar disorders 19 (5), 320-323, 2017
Switching antidepressants in the treatment of major depression: when, how and what to switch to?
P Boyce, M Hopwood, G Morris, A Hamilton, D Bassett, BT Baune, ...
Journal of affective disorders 261, 160-163, 2020
Is “early intervention” in bipolar disorder what it claims to be?
GS Malhi, G Morris, A Hamilton, T Outhred, Z Mannie
Bipolar disorders 19 (8), 627-636, 2017
A new paradigm for achieving a rapid antidepressant response
GS Malhi, G Morris, E Bell, A Hamilton
Drugs 80 (8), 755-764, 2020
Understanding suicide: Focusing on its mechanisms through a lithium lens
GS Malhi, P Das, T Outhred, L Irwin, G Morris, A Hamilton, K Lynch, ...
Journal of affective disorders 241, 338-347, 2018
Early intervention for risk syndromes: What are the real risks?
GS Malhi, E Bell, A Hamilton, G Morris
Schizophrenia Research, 2021
The delay in response to antidepressant therapy: A window of opportunity?
GS Malhi, E Bell, G Morris, A Hamilton
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 54 (2), 127-129, 2020
Long‐acting injectable antipsychotics as maintenance treatments for bipolar disorder—A critical review of the evidence
P Boyce, L Irwin, G Morris, A Hamilton, R Mulder, GS Malhi, RJ Porter
Bipolar Disorders 20, 25-36, 2018
Defining a mood stabiliser: novel framework for research and clinical practice
GS Malhi, R Porter, L Irwin, A Hamilton, G Morris, D Bassett, BT Baune, ...
BJPsych Open 4 (4), 278-281, 2018
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Articles 1–20