Liya Ding
Cited by
Cited by
CellProfiler 3.0: Next-generation image processing for biology
C McQuin, A Goodman, V Chernyshev, L Kamentsky, BA Cimini, ...
PLoS biology 16 (7), e2005970, 2018
A multimodal cell census and atlas of the mammalian primary motor cortex
Principal manuscript editors, Analysis coordination, ...
Nature 598 (7879), 86-102, 2021
Morphological diversity of single neurons in molecularly defined cell types
H Peng, P Xie, L Liu, X Kuang, Y Wang, L Qu, H Gong, S Jiang, A Li, ...
Nature 598 (7879), 174-181, 2021
Vimentin Intermediate Filaments Template Microtubule Networks to Enhance Persistence in Cell Polarity and Directed Migration
GD Zhuo Gan, Liya Ding, Christoph J. Burckhardt, Jason Lowery, Assaf ...
Cell Systems 3 (3), 252-263, 2016
Cellular anatomy of the mouse primary motor cortex
R Muņoz-Castaņeda, B Zingg, KS Matho, X Chen, Q Wang, NN Foster, ...
Nature 598 (7879), 159-166, 2021
Clonal Production and Organization of Inhibitory Interneurons in the Neocortex
KN Brown, S Chen, Z Han, CH Lu, X Tan, XJ Zhang, L Ding, ...
Science 334 (6055), 480-486, 2011
Features versus context: An approach for precise and detailed detection and delineation of faces and facial features
L Ding, AM Martinez
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 32 (11), 2022 …, 2010
Vimentin fibers orient traction stress
N Costigliola, L Ding, CJ Burckhardt, SJ Han, E Gutierrez, A Mota, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (20), 5195-5200, 2017
Microtubule-dependent transport and dynamics of vimentin intermediate filaments
C Hookway, L Ding, MW Davidson, JZ Rappoport, G Danuser, VI Gelfand
Molecular biology of the cell 26 (9), 1675-1686, 2015
Modelling and recognition of the linguistic components in american sign language
L Ding, AM Martinez
Image and vision computing 27 (12), 1826-1844, 2009
Precise detailed detection of faces and facial features
L Ding, AM Martinez
2008 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1-7, 2008
The Allen Cell and Structure Segmenter: a new open source toolkit for segmenting 3D intracellular structures in fluorescence microscopy images
J Chen, L Ding, MP Viana, HW Lee, MF Sluezwski, B Morris, ...
BioRxiv, 491035, 2018
Using gene co-expression network analysis to predict biomarkers for chronic lymphocytic leukemia
J Zhang, Y Xiang, L Ding, K Keen-Circle, TB Borlawsky, HG Ozer, R Jin, ...
BMC bioinformatics 11, 1-9, 2010
Growth cone-specific functions of XMAP215 in restricting microtubule dynamics and promoting axonal outgrowth
LA Lowery, A Stout, AE Faris, L Ding, MA Baird, MW Davidson, G Danuser, ...
Neural development 8, 1-13, 2013
Piecewise-stationary motion modeling and iterative smoothing to track heterogeneous particle motions in dense environments
P Roudot, L Ding, K Jaqaman, C Kervrann, G Danuser
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 26 (11), 5395-5410, 2017
Vehicle license plate recognition system with high performance
JL Liu, JT Song, LY Ding, HQ MA, PH LI
Acta Automatica Sinica 29 (3), 457-465, 2003
A deep generative model of 3D single-cell organization
RM Donovan-Maiye, JM Brown, CK Chan, L Ding, C Yan, N Gaudreault, ...
PLOS Computational Biology 18 (1), e1009155, 2022
Whole human-brain mapping of single cortical neurons for profiling morphological diversity and stereotypy
X Han, S Guo, N Ji, T Li, J Liu, X Ye, Y Wang, Z Yun, F Xiong, J Rong, ...
Science Advances 9 (41), eadf3771, 2023
Dual-mode imaging of cutaneous tissue oxygenation and vascular function
RX Xu, K Huang, R Qin, J Huang, JS Xu, L Ding, US Gnyawali, ...
Journal of Visualized Experiments: JoVE, 2095, 2010
Recovering the linguistic components of the manual signs in american sign language
L Ding, AM Martinez
2007 IEEE Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 447-452, 2007
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Articles 1–20