Joseph Meyerson, PhD
Joseph Meyerson, PhD
Senior Lecturer, Medical Psychology Department The Max Stern Yezreeal Valley College
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Cited by
Burnout and professional quality of life among Israeli dentists: the role of sensory processing sensitivity
J Meyerson, M Gelkopf, I Eli, N Uziel
International Dental Journal 70 (1), 29-37, 2020
Development and validation of a questionnaire evaluating the impact of prosthetic dental treatments on patients’ oral health quality of life: a prospective pilot study
E Mijiritsky, Y Lerman, O Mijiritsky, A Shely, J Meyerson, M Shacham
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (14), 5037, 2020
Professional burnout and work stress among Israeli dental assistants
N Uziel, J Meyerson, Y Birenzweig, I Eli
Psychology, health & medicine 24 (1), 59-67, 2019
Empathy in dental care–the role of vicarious trauma
N Uziel, J Meyerson, R Giryes, I Eli
International Dental Journal 69 (5), 348-353, 2019
The Myth of Hypnosis: The Need for Remythification
J Meyerson
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 62 (3), 378-393, 2014
What motivates professionals to learn and use hypnosis in clinical practice?
J Meyerson, M Gelkopf, G Golan, E Shahamorov
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 61 (1), 71-80, 2013
Stress coping strategies, burnout, secondary traumatic stress, and compassion satisfaction amongst Israeli dentists: A cross-sectional study
J Meyerson, M Gelkopf, I Eli, N Uziel
International dental journal 72 (4), 476-483, 2022
Therapeutic utilization of spontaneous out-of-body experiences in hypnotherapy
J Meyerson, M Gelkopf
American Journal of Psychotherapy 58 (1), 90-102, 2004
Dental personnel in Israel, Canada, and France during the COVID-19 pandemic: attitudes, worries, emotional responses, and posttraumatic growth.
N Uziel, E Gilon, J Meyerson, L Levin, A Khehra, A Emodi-Perlman, I Eli
Quintessence International 52 (5), 2021
Management of the Dentally Anxious Patient: The Dentist's Perspective.
N Uziel, J Meyerson, E Winocur, O Nabriski, I Eli
Oral Health & Preventive Dentistry 17 (1), 2019
Hypnotically induced dissociation (HID) as a strategic intervention for enhancing OCD treatment
J Meyerson, A Konichezky
American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis 53 (3), 169-181, 2011
The Influence of Family Milieu on Dental Anxiety in Adolescents—A Cross-Sectional Study
N Uziel, J Meyerson, M Kuskasy, E Gilon, I Eli
Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (6), 2174, 2023
Application of hypno-dissociative strategies during dental treatment of patients with severe dental phobia
J Meyerson, N Uziel
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 62 (2), 179-187, 2014
Memory Focused Interventions (MFI) as a therapeutic strategy in hypnotic psychotherapy
J Meyerson
American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis 52 (3), 189-203, 2010
Presenting hypnosis to patients
J Meyerson
Clinician’s guide to medical and psychological hypnosis, 29-33, 2016
Application of hypnotic strategies sustained by a positive psychology orientation in treating OCD patients
J Meyerson
Self-talk monitoring and utilization for enhancing hypnotic induction
J Meyerson
American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis 60 (2), 149-158, 2017
Use of hypnosis in treating a patient with dental anxiety: A case study
J Meyerson, T Ratson
Refu'at ha-peh veha-shinayim (1993) 32 (4), 20-4, 26, 2015
Interactive hypnosis and hypnotic psychotherapy online
J Meyerson
Advances in online therapy, 186-195, 2022
Online hypnotic psychotherapy with distant patients
J Meyerson
Int J Complement Alt Med 13 (6), 238-242, 2020
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Articles 1–20