Kevin S. McCarthy
Kevin S. McCarthy
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Research on dynamic therapies
JP Barber, JC Muran, KS McCarthy, JR Keefe, S Zilcha-Mano
Bergin and Garfield’s handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change 6, 443-494, 2013
Assessing intervention competence and its relation to therapy outcome: A selected review derived from the outcome literature.
JP Barber, BA Sharpless, S Klostermann, KS McCarthy
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 38 (5), 493, 2007
Does alliance predict symptoms throughout treatment, or is it the other way around?
S Zilcha-Mano, U Dinger, KS McCarthy, JP Barber
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 82 (6), 931, 2014
Treatment preferences affect the therapeutic alliance: implications for randomized controlled trials.
BM Iacoviello, KS McCarthy, MS Barrett, M Rynn, R Gallop, JP Barber
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 75 (1), 194, 2007
A meta-analytic review of psychodynamic therapies for anxiety disorders
JR Keefe, KS McCarthy, U Dinger, S Zilcha-Mano, JP Barber
Clinical Psychology Review 34 (4), 309-323, 2014
The psychometric properties of the MASC in a pediatric psychiatric sample
MA Rynn, JP Barber, S Khalid-Khan, L Siqueland, M Dembiski, ...
Journal of anxiety disorders 20 (2), 139-157, 2006
The multitheoretical list of therapeutic interventions (MULTI): Initial report
KS McCarthy, JP Barber
Psychotherapy research 19 (1), 96-113, 2009
Beliefs about the causes of depression and treatment preferences
SR Khalsa, KS McCarthy, BA Sharpless, MS Barrett, JP Barber
Journal of clinical psychology 67 (6), 539-549, 2011
Psychotherapies for panic disorder: A tale of two sites
B Milrod, DL Chambless, R Gallop, FN Busch, M Schwalberg, ...
The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 77 (7), 16277, 2016
The associations among improvement and alliance expectations, alliance during treatment, and treatment outcome for major depressive disorder
JP Barber, S Zilcha-Mano, R Gallop, M Barrett, KS McCarthy, U Dinger
Psychotherapy Research 24 (3), 257-268, 2014
Isolated sleep paralysis and fearful isolated sleep paralysis in outpatients with panic attacks b
BA Sharpless, KS McCarthy, DL Chambless, BL Milrod, SR Khalsa, ...
Journal of clinical psychology 66 (12), 1292-1306, 2010
The role of the alliance and techniques in predicting outcome of supportive-expressive dynamic therapy for cocaine dependence.
JP Barber, R Gallop, P Crits-Christoph, MS Barrett, S Klostermann, ...
Psychoanalytic Psychology 25 (3), 461, 2008
Interpersonal factors are associated with lower therapist adherence in cognitive–behavioural therapy for panic disorder
HF Zickgraf, DL Chambless, KS McCarthy, R Gallop, BA Sharpless, ...
Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy 23 (3), 272-284, 2016
Therapist-reported alliance: Is it really a predictor of outcome?
S Zilcha-Mano, N Solomonov, H Chui, KS McCarthy, MS Barrett, ...
Journal of Counseling Psychology 62 (4), 568, 2015
Interpersonal problems as predictors of alliance, symptomatic improvement and premature termination in treatment of depression
U Dinger, S Zilcha-Mano, KS McCarthy, MS Barrett, JP Barber
Journal of Affective Disorders 151 (2), 800-803, 2013
Psychometric properties of the mobility inventory for agoraphobia: convergent, discriminant, and criterion-related validity
DL Chambless, BA Sharpless, D Rodriguez, KS McCarthy, BL Milrod, ...
Behavior Therapy 42 (4), 689-699, 2011
To what extent is alliance affected by transference? An empirical exploration.
S Zilcha-Mano, KS McCarthy, U Dinger, JP Barber
Psychotherapy 51 (3), 424, 2014
The relation of rigidity across relationships with symptoms and functioning: An investigation with the revised Central Relationship Questionnaire.
KS McCarthy, MBC Gibbons, JP Barber
Journal of counseling psychology 55 (3), 346, 2008
Goldilocks on the couch: Moderate levels of psychodynamic and process-experiential technique predict outcome in psychodynamic therapy
KS McCarthy, JR Keefe, JP Barber
Psychotherapy Research 26 (3), 307-317, 2016
Changes in well-being and quality of life in a randomized trial comparing dynamic psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy for major depressive disorder
S Zilcha-Mano, U Dinger, KS McCarthy, MS Barrett, JP Barber
Journal of affective disorders 152, 538-542, 2014
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Articles 1–20