Var Limpasuvan
Var Limpasuvan
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The life cycle of the Northern Hemisphere sudden stratospheric warmings
V Limpasuvan, DWJ Thompson, DL Hartmann
Journal of climate 17 (13), 2584-2596, 2004
Wave-maintained annular modes of climate variability
V Limpasuvan, DL Hartmann
Journal of Climate 13 (24), 4414-4429, 2000
Can ozone depletion and global warming interact to produce rapid climate change?
DL Hartmann, JM Wallace, V Limpasuvan, DWJ Thompson, JR Holton
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97 (4), 1412-1417, 2000
Eddies and the annular modes of climate variability
V Limpasuvan, DL Hartmann
Geophysical Research Letters 26 (20), 3133-3136, 1999
Stratosphere‐troposphere evolution during polar vortex intensification
V Limpasuvan, DL Hartmann, DWJ Thompson, K Jeev, YL Yung
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 110 (D24), 2005
The roles of planetary and gravity waves during a major stratospheric sudden warming as characterized in WACCM
V Limpasuvan, JH Richter, YJ Orsolini, F Stordal, OK Kvissel
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 78, 84-98, 2012
On the composite response of the MLT to major sudden stratospheric warming events with elevated stratopause
V Limpasuvan, YJ Orsolini, A Chandran, RR Garcia, AK Smith
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 121 (9), 4518-4537, 2016
Descent from the polar mesosphere and anomalously high stratopause observed in 8 years of water vapor and temperature satellite observations by the Odin Sub‐Millimeter Radiometer
YJ Orsolini, J Urban, DP Murtagh, S Lossow, V Limpasuvan
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 115 (D12), 2010
The North Atlantic Oscillation and the occurrences of ozone miniholes
YJ Orsolini, V Limpasuvan
Geophysical Research Letters 28 (21), 4099-4102, 2001
Observations of gravity wave forcing of the mesopause region during the January 2013 major Sudden Stratospheric Warming
RJ De Wit, RE Hibbins, PJ Espy, YJ Orsolini, V Limpasuvan, DE Kinnison
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (13), 4745-4752, 2014
The two‐day wave in EOS MLS temperature and wind measurements during 2004–2005 winter
V Limpasuvan, DL Wu, MJ Schwartz, JW Waters, Q Wu, TL Killeen
Geophysical Research Letters 32 (17), 2005
Observations of planetary waves in the mesosphere-lower thermosphere during stratospheric warming events
NH Stray, YJ Orsolini, PJ Espy, V Limpasuvan, RE Hibbins
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15 (9), 4997-5005, 2015
Mesospheric Doppler wind measurements from aura microwave limb sounder (MLS)
DL Wu, MJ Schwartz, JW Waters, V Limpasuvan, Q Wu, TL Killeen
Advances in Space Research 42 (7), 1246-1252, 2008
Nighttime secondary ozone layer during major stratospheric sudden warmings in specified‐dynamics WACCM
OV Tweedy, V Limpasuvan, YJ Orsolini, AK Smith, RR Garcia, D Kinnison, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (15), 8346-8358, 2013
Anomalous two‐day wave behavior during the 2006 austral summer
V Limpasuvan, DL Wu
Geophysical Research Letters 36 (4), 2009
Two‐day wave observations of UARS Microwave Limb Sounder mesospheric water vapor and temperature
V Limpasuvan, DL Wu
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 108 (D10), 2003
The tropical stratopause in the UKMO stratospheric analyses: Evidence for a 2‐day wave and inertial circulations
YJ Crsolini, V Limpasuvan, CB Leovy
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 123 (542), 1707-1724, 1997
Modelling the descent of nitric oxide during the elevated stratopause event of January 2013
YJ Orsolini, V Limpasuvan, K Pérot, P Espy, R Hibbins, S Lossow, ...
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 155, 50-61, 2017
Mesoscale simulations of gravity waves during the 2008–2009 major stratospheric sudden warming
V Limpasuvan, MJ Alexander, YJ Orsolini, DL Wu, M Xue, JH Richter, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 116 (D17), 2011
Interannual variability and trends of extratropical ozone. Part I: Northern Hemisphere
X Jiang, S Pawson, CD Camp, JE Nielsen, RL Shia, T Liao, ...
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 65 (10), 3013-3029, 2008
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