Jose A. Marengo
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Cited by
Changes in climate extremes and their impacts on the natural physical environment
S Seneviratne, N Nicholls, D Easterling, C Goodess, S Kanae, J Kossin, ...
Present-day south american climate
RD Garreaud, M Vuille, R Compagnucci, J Marengo
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 281 (3-4), 180-195, 2009
Observed climate variability and change
CKK Folland, TRR Karl, JRR Christy, RAA Clarke, GVV Gruza, J Jouzel, ...
Climate change 2001: the scientific basis, Intergovernmental panel on …, 2001
Updated analyses of temperature and precipitation extreme indices since the beginning of the twentieth century: The HadEX2 dataset
MG Donat, LV Alexander, H Yang, I Durre, R Vose, RJH Dunn, KM Willett, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (5), 2098-2118, 2013
Understanding and attributing climate change
GC Hegerl, FW Zwiers, P Braconnot, NP Gillett, Y Luo, JAM Orsini, ...
Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the …, 2007
The drought of Amazonia in 2005
JA Marengo, CA Nobre, J Tomasella, MD Oyama, GS De Oliveira, ...
Journal of climate 21 (3), 495-516, 2008
Toward a unified view of the American monsoon systems
C Vera, W Higgins, J Amador, T Ambrizzi, R Garreaud, D Gochis, ...
Journal of climate 19 (20), 4977-5000, 2006
Trends in total and extreme South American rainfall in 1960–2000 and links with sea surface temperature
MR Haylock, TC Peterson, LM Alves, T Ambrizzi, YMT Anunciação, ...
Journal of climate 19 (8), 1490-1512, 2006
Drought in Northeast Brazil—past, present, and future
JA Marengo, RR Torres, LM Alves
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 129, 1189-1200, 2017
Extreme seasonal droughts and floods in Amazonia: causes, trends and impacts.
JA Marengo, JC Espinoza
International Journal of Climatology 36 (3), 2016
Águas doces no Brasil: capital ecológico, uso e conservação
AC Rebouças, B Braga, JG Tundisi, AEL Lanna, A Ostrensky, CEM Tucci, ...
Águas doces no Brasil: capital ecológico, uso e conservação, 703-703, 2002
The drought of 2010 in the context of historical droughts in the Amazon region
JA Marengo, J Tomasella, LM Alves, WR Soares, DA Rodriguez
Geophysical research letters 38 (12), 2011
Summary for policymakers
CB Field, VR Barros, MD Mastrandrea, KJ Mach, MAK Abdrabo, ...
Climate change 2014: impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability. Part A: global …, 2015
21st Century drought-related fires counteract the decline of Amazon deforestation carbon emissions
LEOC Aragão, LO Anderson, MG Fonseca, TM Rosan, LB Vedovato, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 536, 2018
Climatology of the low-level jet east of the Andes as derived from the NCEP–NCAR reanalyses: Characteristics and temporal variability
JA Marengo, WR Soares, C Saulo, M Nicolini
Journal of climate 17 (12), 2261-2280, 2004
Central and south america
GO Magrin, JA Marengo, JP Boulanger, MS Buckeridge, ...
Future change of temperature and precipitation extremes in South America as derived from the PRECIS regional climate modeling system
JA Marengo, R Jones, LM Alves, MC Valverde
International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological …, 2009
Mudanças climáticas globais e seus efeitos sobre a biodiversidade: caracterização do clima atual e definição das alterações climáticas para o território brasileiro ao longo do …
JA Marengo
Ministerio Do Meio Ambiente Secretaria de Biodiversidade EF, 2006
Observed trends in indices of daily temperature extremes in South America 1960–2000
LA Vincent, TC Peterson, VR Barros, MB Marino, M Rusticucci, ...
Journal of climate 18 (23), 5011-5023, 2005
Uma revisão geral sobre o clima da Amazônia
G Fisch, JA Marengo, CA Nobre
Acta amazônica 28 (2), 101-101, 1998
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Articles 1–20