Social research methods A Bryman OUP Oxford, 2012 | 89509* | 2012 |
Business research methods A Bryman, E Bell Oxford University Press, USA, 2007 | 39936* | 2007 |
Samhällsvetenskapliga metoder A Bryman, B Nilsson Liber, 2011 | 28148 | 2011 |
Quantity and quality in social research A Bryman Psychology Press, 1988 | 9307* | 1988 |
Integrating quantitative and qualitative research: how is it done? A Bryman Qualitative research 6 (1), 97-113, 2006 | 8565 | 2006 |
Quantitative data analysis for social scientists A Bryman, D Cramer Routledge, 1994 | 7642* | 1994 |
Företagsekonomiska forskningsmetoder A Bryman, E Bell, B Harley Liber, 2024 | 5797 | 2024 |
The Sage encyclopedia of social science research methods M Lewis-Beck, AE Bryman, TF Liao Sage Publications, 2003 | 4637* | 2003 |
Charisma and leadership in organizations A Bryman Sage, 1992 | 4569 | 1992 |
Analyzing qualitative data A Bryman, RG Burgess Routledge, 1994 | 4265* | 1994 |
Research methods and organization studies A Bryman Routledge, 1989 | 3995* | 1989 |
Barriers to integrating quantitative and qualitative research A Bryman Journal of mixed methods research 1 (1), 8-22, 2007 | 2615 | 2007 |
The debate about quantitative and qualitative research: a question of method or epistemology? A Bryman British journal of Sociology, 75-92, 1984 | 2517 | 1984 |
The Disneyization of society A Bryman Sage, 2004 | 2251 | 2004 |
Leadership in organizations A Bryman Managing organizations: Current issues, 276-92, 1999 | 1977* | 1999 |
Analysing qualitative data J Ritchie, L Spencer, A Bryman, RG Burgess | 1738 | 1994 |
The ethics of management research: an exploratory content analysis E Bell, A Bryman British journal of management 18 (1), 63-77, 2007 | 1696 | 2007 |
Qualitative research on leadership: A critical but appreciative review A Bryman The leadership quarterly 15 (6), 729-769, 2004 | 1527 | 2004 |
Effective leadership in higher education: A literature review A Bryman Studies in higher education 32 (6), 693-710, 2007 | 1495 | 2007 |
Quantitative and qualitative research: further reflections on their integration A Bryman Mixing methods: Qualitative and quantitative research, 57-78, 2017 | 1421 | 2017 |