Wail Mardini
Cited by
Cited by
Improvement on LEACH Protocol of Wireless Sensor Network (VLEACH).
MOB Yassein, A. Al-zou'bi, YM Khamayseh, W Mardini
J. Digit. Content Technol. its Appl. 3 (2), 132-136, 2009
Comprehensive study of symmetric key and asymmetric key encryption algorithms
MB Yassein, S Aljawarneh, E Qawasmeh, W Mardini, Y Khamayseh
2017 international conference on engineering and technology (ICET), 1-7, 2017
Smart homes automation using Z-wave protocol
MB Yassein, W Mardini, A Khalil
2016 International Conference on Engineering & MIS (ICEMIS), 1-6, 2016
Enhanced detection of epileptic seizure using EEG signals in combination with machine learning classifiers
W Mardini, MMB Yassein, R Al-Rawashdeh, S Aljawarneh, Y Khamayseh, ...
IEEE Access 8, 24046-24055, 2020
Novel and secure blockchain framework for health applications in IoT
MR Bataineh, W Mardini, YM Khamayseh, MMB Yassein
IEEE Access 10, 14914-14926, 2022
Rotated hybrid, energy-efficient and distributed (r-heed) clustering protocol in wsn
W Mardini, MB Yassein, Y Khamayseh, BA Ghaleb
Wseas Transactions on Communications 13, 275-290, 2014
Combined software-defined network (SDN) and Internet of Things (IoT)
MB Yassein, S Aljawarneh, M Al-Rousan, W Mardini, W Al-Rashdan
2017 international conference on electrical and computing technologies and …, 2017
Comprehensive Performance Analysis of RPL Objective Functions in IoT Networks.
W Mardini, M Ebrahim, M Al-Rudaini
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security …, 2017
Modified WRR Scheduling Algorithm for WiMAX Networks.
W Mardini, MA Alfool
Netw. Protoc. Algorithms 3 (2), 24-53, 2011
A new protocol for detecting black hole nodes in ad hoc networks
Y Khamayseh, A Bader, W Mardini, MB Yasein
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security 3 …, 2011
Integration of wireless technologies in smart university campus environment: Framework architecture
Y Khamayseh, W Mardini, S Aljawarneh, MB Yassein
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education …, 2015
Using multiple RPL instances to enhance the performance of new 6G and Internet of Everything (6G/IoE)-based healthcare monitoring systems
W Mardini, S Aljawarneh, A Al-Abdi
Mobile Networks and Applications 26, 952-968, 2021
IoT-based healthcare systems: A survey
MB Yassein, I Hmeidi, M Al-Harbi, L Mrayan, W Mardini, Y Khamayseh
Proceedings of the second international conference on data science, E …, 2019
Performance evaluation of RPL objective functions for different sending intervals
W Mardini, S Aljawarneh, A Al-Abdi, H Taamneh
2018 6th international symposium on digital forensic and security (ISDFS), 1-6, 2018
Smart home is not smart enough to protect you-protocols, challenges and open issues
MB Yassein, I Hmeidi, F Shatnawi, W Mardini, Y Khamayseh
Procedia Computer Science 160, 134-141, 2019
Using of multiple RPL instances for enhancing the performance of IoT-based systems
A Al-Abdi, W Mardini, S Aljawarneh, T Mohammed
Proceedings of the second international conference on data science, e …, 2019
Genetic algorithm for friendship selection in social IoT
W Mardini, Y Khamayseh, MH Khatatbeh
2017 International Conference on Engineering & MIS (ICEMIS), 1-4, 2017
Mining Internet of Things for intelligent objects using genetic algorithm
W Mardini, Y Khamayseh, MB Yassein, MH Khatatbeh
Computers & Electrical Engineering 66, 423-434, 2018
Adaptive RSSI-based localization scheme for wireless sensor networks
W Mardini, Y Khamayseh, AA Almodawar, E Elmallah
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 9, 991-1004, 2016
Interference problem between ZigBee and WiFi
W Mardini, Y Khamayseh, R Jaradatand, R Hijjawi
International Proceedings of Computer Science and Information Technology 30 …, 2012
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Articles 1–20