P S Anil Kumar
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Cited by
Static and dynamic response of cluster glass in La 0.5 Sr 0.5 CoO 3
S Mukherjee, R Ranganathan, PS Anilkumar, PA Joy
Physical Review B 54 (13), 9267, 1996
The relationship between field-cooled and zero-field-cooled susceptibilities of some ordered magnetic systems
PA Joy, PSA Kumar, SK Date
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 10 (48), 11049, 1998
Low temperature synthesis of Ni0. 8Zn0. 2Fe2O4 powder and its characterization
PSA Kumar, JJ Shrotri, SD Kulkarni, CE Deshpande, SK Date
Materials Letters 27 (6), 293-296, 1996
Spin-Polarized electron energy loss spectroscopy of high energy, large wave vector spin waves in ultrathin fcc Co films on Cu (001)
R Vollmer, M Etzkorn, PSA Kumar, H Ibach, J Kirschner
Physical review letters 91 (14), 147201, 2003
Effect of Cu substitution on the magnetic and electrical properties of Ni–Zn ferrite synthesised by soft chemical method
JJ Shrotri, SD Kulkarni, CE Deshpande, A Mitra, SR Sainkar, PSA Kumar, ...
Materials chemistry and physics 59 (1), 1-5, 1999
Observation of the exchange spring behavior in hard–soft-ferrite nanocomposite
D Roy, C Shivakumara, PSA Kumar
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321 (5), L11-L14, 2009
Origin of the cluster-glass-like magnetic properties of the ferromagnetic system
PSA Kumar, PA Joy, SK Date
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 10 (29), L487, 1998
Enhancement of (BH) max in a hard-soft-ferrite nanocomposite using exchange spring mechanism
D Roy, PSA Kumar
Journal of applied physics 106 (7), 073902-073902-4, 2009
Systematic study of magnetic parameters of Ni–Zn ferrite synthesized by soft chemical approaches
PSA Kumar, JJ Shrotri, CE Deshpande, SK Date
Journal of applied physics 81, 4788, 1997
Observation of reentrant spin glass behavior in LaCo 0.5 Ni 0.5 O 3
M Viswanathan, PSA Kumar
Physical Review B 80 (1), 012410, 2009
On the origin of itinerant electron behaviour and long-range ferromagnetic order in La1-xSrxCoO3
P Ganguly, PSA Kumar, PN Santhosh, IS Mulla
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 6 (2), 533, 1994
Low temperature giant magnetocaloric effect in multiferroic GdMnO3 single crystals
AA Wagh, KG Suresh, PSA Kumar, S Elizabeth
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48 (13), 135001, 2015
Thermal spin-wave scattering in hot-electron magnetotransport across a spin valve
R Jansen, PSA Kumar, OMJ van't Erve, R Vlutters, P de Haan, JC Lodder
Physical review letters 85 (15), 3277, 2000
Structural-modulation-driven low-temperature glassy behavior in SrRuO 3
C Sow, D Samal, PSA Kumar, AK Bera, SM Yusuf
Physical Review B 85 (22), 224426, 2012
Role of boron diffusion in CoFeB/MgO magnetic tunnel junctions
S Mukherjee, R Knut, SM Mohseni, TNA Nguyen, S Chung, QT Le, ...
Physical Review B 91 (8), 085311, 2015
A novel spectrometer for spin-polarized electron energy-loss spectroscopy
H Ibach, D Bruchmann, R Vollmer, M Etzkorn, PS Anil Kumar, J Kirschner
Review of scientific instruments 74 (9), 4089-4095, 2003
Evidence for Jahn-Teller polaron formation and spin-cluster-assisted variable-range-hopping conduction in
PSA Kumar, PA Joy, SK Date
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 10 (17), L269, 1998
On the irreversible magnetic behavior of the anisotropic ferromagnetic system SrRuO3
PSA Kumar, PA Joy, SK Date
Physica B: Condensed Matter 269 (3-4), 356-361, 1999
Magnetic ground state of the multiferroic hexagonal
P Suresh, KV Laxmi, AK Bera, SM Yusuf, BL Chittari, J Jung, PSA Kumar
Physical Review B 97 (18), 184419, 2018
Emergence of a weak topological insulator from the BixSey family
K Majhi, K Pal, H Lohani, A Banerjee, P Mishra, AK Yadav, R Ganesan, ...
Applied Physics Letters 110 (16), 2017
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