Rohit Supekar
Rohit Supekar
The New York Times
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Universal differential equations for scientific machine learning
C Rackauckas, Y Ma, J Martensen, C Warner, K Zubov, R Supekar, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.04385, 2020
Extent of impact of deep-sea nodule mining midwater plumes is influenced by sediment loading, turbulence and thresholds
C Muñoz-Royo, T Peacock, MH Alford, JA Smith, A Le Boyer, CS Kulkarni, ...
Communications Earth & Environment 2 (1), 148, 2021
Learning hydrodynamic equations for active matter from particle simulations and experiments
R Supekar, B Song, A Hastewell, GPT Choi, A Mietke, J Dunkel
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (7), e2206994120, 2023
Real-time sediment plume modeling in the Southern California Bight
CS Kulkarni, PJ Haley, PFJ Lermusiaux, A Dutt, A Gupta, C Mirabito, ...
OCEANS 2018 MTS/IEEE Charleston, 1-10, 2018
Linearly forced fluid flow on a rotating sphere
R Supekar, V Heinonen, KJ Burns, J Dunkel
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 892, 2020
Translating and squirming cylinders in a viscoplastic fluid
R Supekar, DR Hewitt, NJ Balmforth
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 882, A11, 2020
Interference and transmission of spatiotemporally locally forced internal waves in non-uniform stratifications
R Supekar, T Peacock
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 866, 350-368, 2019
Observations of double diffusive staircase edges in the Arctic Ocean
S Boury, R Supekar, EC Fine, R Musgrave, JB Mickett, G Voet, P Odier, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 127 (11), e2022JC018906, 2022
Dynamics and stability of a fluid filled cylinder rolling on an inclined plane
RB Supekar, MV Panchagnula
arXiv preprint arXiv:1408.6654, 2014
Interference and transmission of locally forced internal waves in non-uniform stratifications
RB Supekar
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2017
Learning and investigating phenomenological models for active matter
RB Supekar
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2021
Transmission of internal waves generated by a localized surface forcing
R Supekar, T Peacock
International Symposium on Stratified Flows 1 (1), 2016
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Articles 1–12