Levy Oren
Cited by
Cited by
Light-responsive cryptochromes from a simple multicellular animal, the coral Acropora millepora
O Levy, L Appelbaum, W Leggat, Y Gothlif, DC Hayward, DJ Miller, ...
Science 318 (5849), 467-470, 2007
Chronobiology by moonlight
N Kronfeld-Schor, D Dominoni, H De la Iglesia, O Levy, ED Herzog, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1765), 20123088, 2013
mRNA-engineered mesenchymal stem cells for targeted delivery of interleukin-10 to sites of inflammation
O Levy, W Zhao, LJ Mortensen, S LeBlanc, K Tsang, M Fu, JA Phillips, ...
Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology 122 (14), e23-e32, 2013
Comparative genomics explains the evolutionary success of reef-forming corals
D Bhattacharya, S Agrawal, M Aranda, S Baumgarten, M Belcaid, ...
elife 5, e13288, 2016
Experimental assessment of the feeding effort of three scleractinian coral species during a thermal stress: Effect on the rates of photosynthesis
C Ferrier-Pagès, C Rottier, E Beraud, O Levy
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 390 (2), 118-124, 2010
Photobehavior of stony corals: responses to light spectra and intensity
O Levy, Z Dubinsky, Y Achituv
Journal of Experimental Biology 206 (22), 4041-4049, 2003
Signaling cascades and the importance of moonlight in coral broadcast mass spawning
P Kaniewska, S Alon, S Karako-Lampert, O Hoegh-Guldberg, O Levy
elife 4, e09991, 2015
Complex diel cycles of gene expression in coral-algal symbiosis
O Levy, P Kaniewska, S Alon, E Eisenberg, S Karako-Lampert, LK Bay, ...
Science 331 (6014), 175-175, 2011
Impact of brine and antiscalants on reef-building corals in the Gulf of Aqaba–Potential effects from desalination plants
KL Petersen, A Paytan, E Rahav, O Levy, J Silverman, O Barzel, D Potts, ...
Water research 144, 183-191, 2018
Gains and losses of coral skeletal porosity changes with ocean acidification acclimation
P Fantazzini, S Mengoli, L Pasquini, V Bortolotti, L Brizi, M Mariani, ...
Nature Communications 6 (1), 7785, 2015
The spectral quality of light is a key driver of photosynthesis and photoadaptation in Stylophora pistillata colonies from different depths in the Red Sea
T Mass, DI Kline, M Roopin, CJ Veal, S Cohen, D Iluz, O Levy
Journal of Experimental Biology 213 (23), 4084-4091, 2010
Impacts of artificial light at night in marine ecosystems—A review
LFB Marangoni, T Davies, T Smyth, A Rodríguez, M Hamann, C Duarte, ...
Global Change Biology 28 (18), 5346-5367, 2022
Diurnal hysteresis in coral photosynthesis
O Levy, Z Dubinsky, K Schneider, Y Achituv, D Zakai, MY Gorbunov
Marine Ecology Progress Series 268, 105-117, 2004
The impact of spectral composition and light periodicity on the activity of two antioxidant enzymes (SOD and CAT) in the coral Favia favus
O Levy, Y Achituv, YZ Yacobi, N Stambler, Z Dubinsky
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 328 (1), 35-46, 2006
Gene expression profiles during short‐term heat stress in the red sea coral Stylophora pistillata
K Maor‐Landaw, S Karako‐Lampert, HW Ben‐Asher, S Goffredo, G Falini, ...
Global Change Biology 20 (10), 3026-3035, 2014
Biomineralization control related to population density under ocean acidification
S Goffredo, F Prada, E Caroselli, B Capaccioni, F Zaccanti, L Pasquini, ...
Nature Climate Change 4 (7), 593-597, 2014
The skeletal organic matrix from Mediterranean coral Balanophyllia europaea influences calcium carbonate precipitation
S Goffredo, P Vergni, M Reggi, E Caroselli, F Sparla, O Levy, Z Dubinsky, ...
PLoS One 6 (7), e22338, 2011
Dieltuning'of coral metabolism: physiological responses to light cues
O Levy, Y Achituv, YZ Yacobi, Z Dubinsky, N Stambler
Journal of experimental biology 209 (2), 273-283, 2006
Experimental fragmentation reduces sexual reproductive output by the reef-building coral Pocillopora damicornis
D Zakai, O Levy, NE Chadwick-Furman
Coral Reefs 19, 185-188, 2000
Photosynthetic circadian rhythmicity patterns of Symbiodium, the coral endosymbiotic algae
M Sorek, YZ Yacobi, M Roopin, I Berman-Frank, O Levy
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1759), 20122942, 2013
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Articles 1–20