Tara Borlawsky
Tara Borlawsky
Director, Medical Data for Innovation, Integration and Implementation (MDi3), The Ohio State
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Cited by
Quality of traditional surveillance for public reporting of nosocomial bloodstream infection rates
MY Lin, B Hota, YM Khan, KF Woeltje, TB Borlawsky, JA Doherty, ...
Jama 304 (18), 2035-2041, 2010
PhenoGO: assigning phenotypic context to gene ontology annotations with natural language processing
Y Lussier, T Borlawsky, D Rappaport, Y Liu, C Friedman
Biocomputing 2006, 64-75, 2006
Using gene co-expression network analysis to predict biomarkers for chronic lymphocytic leukemia
J Zhang, Y Xiang, L Ding, K Keen-Circle, TB Borlawsky, HG Ozer, R Jin, ...
BMC bioinformatics 11, 1-9, 2010
Formulation of a model for automating infection surveillance: algorithmic detection of central-line associated bloodstream infection
B Hota, M Lin, JA Doherty, T Borlawsky, K Woeltje, K Stevenson, Y Khan, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 17 (1), 42-48, 2010
Bio-ontology and text: bridging the modeling gap
C Friedman, T Borlawsky, L Shagina, HR Xing, YA Lussier
Bioinformatics 22 (19), 2421-2429, 2006
Generating executable knowledge for evidence-based medicine using natural language and semantic processing
T Borlawsky, C Friedman, YA Lussier
AMIA Annual Symposium proceedings 2006, 56, 2006
TRIAD: the translational research informatics and data management grid
P Payne, D Ervin, R Dhaval, T Borlawsky, A Lai
Applied clinical informatics 2 (03), 331-344, 2011
Multicenter evaluation of computer automated versus traditional surveillance of hospital-acquired bloodstream infections
MY Lin, KF Woeltje, YM Khan, B Hota, JA Doherty, TB Borlawsky, ...
Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology 35 (12), 1483-1490, 2014
Partitioning knowledge bases between advanced notification and clinical decision support systems
YA Lussier, R Williams, J Li, S Jalan, T Borlawsky, E Stern, I Kohli
Decision Support Systems 43 (4), 1274-1286, 2007
k-Neighborhood decentralization: a comprehensive solution to index the UMLS for large scale knowledge discovery
Y Xiang, K Lu, SL James, TB Borlawsky, K Huang, PRO Payne
Journal of Biomedical Informatics 45 (2), 323-336, 2012
Supporting the design of translational clinical studies through the generation and verification of conceptual knowledge-anchored hypotheses
PRO Payne, TB Borlawsky, A Kwok, AW Greaves
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2008, 566, 2008
Enabling distributed electronic research data collection for a rural Appalachian tobacco cessation study
TB Borlawsky, O Lele, D Jensen, NE Hood, ME Wewers
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 18 (Supplement_1 …, 2011
Evaluation of an automated pressure ulcer risk assessment model
T Borlawsky, G Hripcsak
Home Health Care Management & Practice 19 (4), 272-284, 2007
Ontology-anchored approaches to conceptual knowledge discovery in a multi-dimensional research data repository
PRO Payne, TB Borlawsky, A Kwok, R Dhaval, AW Greaves
Summit on translational bioinformatics 2008, 85, 2008
Multi-dimensional discovery of biomarker and phenotype complexes
PRO Payne, K Huang, K Keen-Circle, A Kundu, J Zhang, TB Borlawsky
BMC bioinformatics 11, 1-9, 2010
Evaluating an NLP-based approach to modeling computable clinical trial eligibility criteria
T Borlawsky, PRO Payne
AMIA Annu Symp Proc 878, 2007
Enabling online studies of conceptual relationships between medical terms: developing an efficient web platform
A Albin, X Ji, TB Borlawsky, Z Ye, S Lin, PRO Payne, K Huang, Y Xiang
JMIR Medical Informatics 2 (2), e3387, 2014
Adoption and Adaptation of caGrid for CTSA
S Hastings, S Oster, S Langella, C Melean, T Borlawsky, R Dhavel, ...
Summit on translational bioinformatics 2009, 44, 2009
The design of a pre-encounter clinical trial screening tool: ASAP.
J Ding, S Erdal, T Borlawsky, J Liu, D Golden-Kreutz, J Kamal, PR Payne
AMIA... Annual Symposium proceedings. AMIA Symposium, 931-931, 2008
Development of a reference information model and knowledgebase for electronic bloodstream infection detection
T Borlawsky, B Hota, MY Lin, Y Khan, J Young, J Santangelo, ...
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2008, 56, 2008
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Articles 1–20