Douglas Teti
Douglas Teti
Professor of Human Development
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Behavioral competence among mothers of infants in the first year: The mediational role of maternal self‐efficacy
DM Teti, DM Gelfand
Child development 62 (5), 918-929, 1991
The effects of maternal depression on children
DM Gelfand, DM Teti
Clinical psychology review 10 (3), 329-353, 1990
Maternal depression and the quality of early attachment: an examination of infants, preschoolers, and their mothers.
DM Teti, DM Gelfand, DS Messinger, R Isabella
Developmental psychology 31 (3), 364, 1995
Self-efficacy and parenting of high-risk infants: The moderating role of parent knowledge of infant development
CR Hess, DM Teti, B Hussey-Gardner
Journal of applied developmental psychology 25 (4), 423-437, 2004
Security of attachment and infant-sibling relationships: A laboratory study
DM Teti, KE Ablard
Child development, 1519-1528, 1989
Sources of parenting stress for depressed and nondepressed mothers of infants
DM Gelfand, DM Teti, CE Radin Fox
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 21 (3), 262-272, 1992
Security of attachment between preschoolers and their mothers: Relations among social interaction, parenting stress, and mother's sorts of the Attachment Q-Set.
DM Teti, M Nakagawa, R Das, O Wirth
Developmental psychology 27 (3), 440, 1991
Maternal working models of attachment, marital adjustment, and the parent‐child relationship
RD Eiden, DM Teti, KM Corns
Child development 66 (5), 1504-1518, 1995
Parenting sensitivity, parental depression and child health: The mediational role of parental self‐efficacy
DM Teti, MA O'Connell, CD Reiner
Early Development and Parenting: An International Journal of Research and …, 1996
Minimizing adverse effects of low birthweight: Four-year results of an early intervention program
VA Rauh, TM Achenbach, B Nurcombe, CT Howell, DM Teti
Child development, 544-553, 1988
Social support, relationship quality, and well-being among pregnant adolescents
W Stevenson, KI Maton, DM Teti
Journal of adolescence 22 (1), 109-121, 1999
And baby makes four: Predictors of attachment security among preschool‐age firstborns during the transition to siblinghood
DM Teti, JW Sakin, E Kucera, KM Corns, RD Eiden
Child development 67 (2), 579-596, 1996
Parenting competence
DM Teti, MA Candelaria
Handbook of parenting 4, 149-180, 2002
Maternal emotional availability at bedtime predicts infant sleep quality.
DM Teti, BR Kim, G Mayer, M Countermine
Journal of Family Psychology 24 (3), 307, 2010
Mother–toddler interaction patterns associated with maternal depression
PB Jameson, DM Gelfand, E Kulcsar, DM Teti
Development and Psychopathology 9 (3), 537-550, 1997
Cultural specificity of support sources, correlates and contexts: Three studies of African-American and Caucasian youth
KI Maton, DM Teti, KM Corns, CC Vieira-Baker, JR Lavine, KR Gouze, ...
American Journal of Community Psychology 24, 551-587, 1996
Helping mothers fight depression: Evaluation of a home-based intervention program for depressed mothers and their infants
DM Gelfand, DM Teti, SA Seiner, PB Jameson
Journal of Clinical Child Psychology 25 (4), 406-422, 1996
Using mothers versus trained observers in assessing children's secure base behavior: Theoretical and methodological considerations
DM Teti, S McGourty
Child development 67 (2), 597-605, 1996
Maternal depressive symptoms, dysfunctional cognitions, and infant night waking: The role of maternal nighttime behavior
DM Teti, B Crosby
Child Development 83 (3), 939-953, 2012
Depressed mothers' behavioral competence with their infants: Demographic and psychosocial correlates
DM Teti, DM Gelfand, J Pompa
Development and Psychopathology 2 (3), 259-270, 1990
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