Jean Paul Allain
Jean Paul Allain
Associate Director for Fusion Energy Sciences at DOE; Huck Chair Professor Penn State (on leave)
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In-situ TEM observation of the response of ultrafine-and nanocrystalline-grained tungsten to extreme irradiation environments
O El-Atwani, JA Hinks, G Greaves, S Gonderman, T Qiu, M Efe, JP Allain
Scientific reports 4 (1), 4716, 2014
The effect of lithium surface coatings on plasma performance in the National Spherical Torus Experiment
HW Kugel, MG Bell, JW Ahn, JP Allain, R Bell, J Boedo, C Bush, D Gates, ...
Physics of Plasmas 15 (5), 2008
The effect of progressively increasing lithium coatings on plasma discharge characteristics, transport, edge profiles and ELM stability in the National Spherical Torus Experiment
R Maingi, DP Boyle, JM Canik, SM Kaye, CH Skinner, JP Allain, MG Bell, ...
Nuclear Fusion 52 (8), 083001, 2012
Ultrafine tungsten as a plasma-facing component in fusion devices: effect of high flux, high fluence low energy helium irradiation
O El-Atwani, S Gonderman, M Efe, G De Temmerman, T Morgan, ...
Nuclear Fusion 54 (8), 083013, 2014
Grain size threshold for enhanced irradiation resistance in nanocrystalline and ultrafine tungsten
O El-Atwani, JA Hinks, G Greaves, JP Allain, SA Maloy
Materials Research Letters 5 (5), 343-349, 2017
Liquid lithium divertor characteristics and plasma–material interactions in NSTX high-performance plasmas
MA Jaworski, T Abrams, JP Allain, MG Bell, RE Bell, A Diallo, TK Gray, ...
Nuclear Fusion 53 (8), 083032, 2013
Multimodal grain size distribution and high hardness in fine grained tungsten fabricated by spark plasma sintering
O El-Atwani, DV Quach, M Efe, PR Cantwell, B Heim, B Schultz, EA Stach, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (18), 5670-5677, 2011
ALPS–advanced limiter-divertor plasma-facing systems
RF Mattas, JP Allain, R Bastasz, JN Brooks, T Evans, A Hassanein, ...
Fusion Engineering and design 49, 127-134, 2000
NSTX plasma operation with a Liquid Lithium Divertor
HW Kugel, JP Allain, MG Bell, RE Bell, A Diallo, R Ellis, SP Gerhardt, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 87 (10), 1724-1731, 2012
Plasma–surface interaction issues of an all-metal ITER
JN Brooks, JP Allain, RP Doerner, A Hassanein, R Nygren, TD Rognlien, ...
Nuclear Fusion 49 (3), 035007, 2009
Evaporated lithium surface coatings in NSTX
HW Kugel, D Mansfield, R Maingi, MG Bell, RE Bell, JP Allain, D Gates, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 390, 1000-1004, 2009
Measurements and modelling of solid phase lithium sputtering
JP Allain, DN Ruzic
Nuclear Fusion 42 (2), 202, 2002
Overview of NSTX Upgrade initial results and modelling highlights
JE Menard, JP Allain, DJ Battaglia, F Bedoya, RE Bell, E Belova, ...
Nuclear Fusion 57 (10), 102006, 2017
Designing bioactive porous titanium interfaces to balance mechanical properties and in vitro cells behavior towards increased osseointegration
A Civantos, C Domínguez, RJ Pino, G Setti, JJ Pavón, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 368, 162-174, 2019
On the influence of space holder in the development of porous titanium implants: Mechanical, computational and biological evaluation
S Muñoz, J Pavón, JA Rodríguez-Ortiz, A Civantos, JP Allain, Y Torres
Materials characterization 108, 68-78, 2015
Surface modification of bacterial cellulose for biomedical applications
T Aditya, JP Allain, C Jaramillo, AM Restrepo
International journal of molecular sciences 23 (2), 610, 2022
Progress in research and development of mirrors for ITER diagnostics
A Litnovsky, V Voitsenya, T Sugie, G De Temmerman, AE Costley, ...
Nuclear fusion 49 (7), 075014, 2009
Overview of physics results from the conclusive operation of the National Spherical Torus Experiment
SA Sabbagh, JW Ahn, J Allain, R Andre, A Balbaky, R Bastasz, ...
Nuclear Fusion 53 (10), 104007, 2013
Coatings for biodegradable magnesium-based supports for therapy of vascular disease: A general view
M Echeverry-Rendon, JP Allain, SM Robledo, F Echeverria, MC Harmsen
Materials Science and Engineering: C 102, 150-163, 2019
Overview of results from the national spherical torus experiment (NSTX)
DA Gates, J Ahn, J Allain, R Andre, R Bastasz, M Bell, R Bell, E Belova, ...
Nuclear Fusion 49 (10), 104016, 2009
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Articles 1–20