Nicola Zangrando
Nicola Zangrando
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Cited by
Affective basis of judgment-behavior discrepancy in virtual experiences of moral dilemmas
I Patil, C Cogoni, N Zangrando, L Chittaro, G Silani
Social neuroscience 9 (1), 94-107, 2014
Safety knowledge transfer through mobile virtual reality: A study of aviation life preserver donning
L Chittaro, CL Corbett, GA McLean, N Zangrando
Safety science 102, 159-168, 2018
Brain activity and prosocial behavior in a simulated life-threatening situation
M Zanon, G Novembre, N Zangrando, L Chittaro, G Silani
NeuroImage 98, 134-146, 2014
The persuasive power of virtual reality: effects of simulated human distress on attitudes towards fire safety
L Chittaro, N Zangrando
Persuasive Technology: 5th International Conference, PERSUASIVE 2010 …, 2010
Neuroanatomical basis of concern-based altruism in virtual environment
I Patil, M Zanon, G Novembre, N Zangrando, L Chittaro, G Silani
Neuropsychologia 116, 34-43, 2018
Desktop virtual reality for emergency preparedness: user evaluation of an aircraft ditching experience under different fear arousal conditions
L Chittaro, F Buttussi, N Zangrando
Proceedings of the 20th ACM Symposium on virtual reality software and …, 2014
Neuroanatomical basis of concern-based altruism in virtual environment. Neuropsychologia, 116 (Part A), 34–43
I Patil, M Zanon, G Novembre, N Zangrando, L Chittaro, G Silani
Mobile persuasive apps for changing passengers’ attitudes towards aviation safety
L Chittaro, CL Corbett, GA McLean, N Zangrando
11th International Conference on Persuasive Technologies, 55-58, 2016
Introducing Virtual Reality in a STEMI Coronary Syndrome Course: Qualitative Evaluation with Nurses and Doctors
A Forgiarini, L Deroma, F Buttussi, N Zangrando, S Licata, F Valent, ...
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 2024
Esperienze di Apprendimento Attivo e Collaborativo nel Progetto “Secoli Bui? Il Medioevo tra Reale e Virtuale”
MC Brocato, N Zangrando, B Tomasetig, L Donnini, M Toso, F Buttussi
ITADINFO 2024-Secondo Convegno Italiano sulla Didattica dell’Informatica …, 2024
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