Mikko-Jussi Laakso
Cited by
Cited by
VILLE: a language-independent program visualization tool
T Rajala, MJ Laakso, E Kaila, T Salakoski
Proceedings of the Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education …, 2007
Effectiveness of program visualization: A case study with the ViLLE tool
T Rajala, MJ Laakso, E Kaila, T Salakoski
Journal of Information Technology Education. Innovations in Practice 7, 15, 2008
Challenges when introducing electronic exam
M Kuikka, M Kitola, MJ Laakso
Research in Learning Technology 22, 2014
ViLLE–collaborative education tool: Designing and utilizing an exercise-based learning environment
MJ Laakso, E Kaila, T Rajala
Education and Information Technologies 23, 1655-1676, 2018
ARLEAN: An augmented reality learning analytics ethical framework
A Christopoulos, S Mystakidis, N Pellas, MJ Laakso
Computers 10 (8), 92, 2021
Long term effects on technology enhanced learning: The use of weekly digital lessons in mathematics
E Kurvinen, E Kaila, MJ Laakso, T Salakoski
Informatics in Education 19 (1), 51-75, 2020
Comparing learning performance of students using algorithm visualizations collaboratively on different engagement levels
MJ Laakso, N Myller, A Korhonen
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 12 (2), 267-282, 2009
A learning analytics theoretical framework for STEM education virtual reality applications
A Christopoulos, N Pellas, MJ Laakso
Education Sciences 10 (11), 317, 2020
Escaping the cell: virtual reality escape rooms in biology education
A Christopoulos, S Mystakidis, E Cachafeiro, MJ Laakso
Behaviour & Information Technology 42 (9), 1434-1451, 2023
Multimodal technologies in precision education: Providing new opportunities or adding more challenges?
UB Qushem, A Christopoulos, SS Oyelere, H Ogata, MJ Laakso
Education sciences 11 (7), 338, 2021
Limits and virtues of educational technology in elementary school mathematics
A Christopoulos, H Kajasilta, T Salakoski, MJ Laakso
Journal of Educational Technology Systems 49 (1), 59-81, 2020
Relationship between perceived problem‐solving skills and academic performance of novice learners in introductory programming courses
AK Veerasamy, D D'Souza, R Lindén, MJ Laakso
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 35 (2), 246-255, 2019
On study habits on an introductory course on programming
S Willman, R Lindén, E Kaila, T Rajala, MJ Laakso, T Salakoski
Computer Science Education 25 (3), 276-291, 2015
Exploring programming assessment instruments: a classification scheme for examination questions
J Sheard, Simon, A Carbone, D Chinn, MJ Laakso, T Clear, M de Raadt, ...
Proceedings of the seventh international workshop on Computing education …, 2011
Promoting programming learning. engagement, automatic assessment with immediate feedback in visualizations
MJ Laakso
TUCS Dissertations no 131, 2010
Effects, experiences and feedback from studies of a program visualization tool
E Kaila, T Rajala, MJ Laakso, TS Tapio SALAKOSKI
Informatics in Education 8 (1), 17-34, 2009
Multi-perspective study of novice learners adopting the visual algorithm simulation exercise system TRAKLA2
MJ Laakso, T Salakoski, L Grandell, X Qiu, A Korhonen, L Malmi
Informatics in Education 4 (1), 49-68, 2005
Identifying novice student programming misconceptions and errors from summative assessments
AK Veerasamy, D D'Souza, MJ Laakso
Journal of Educational Technology Systems 45 (1), 50-73, 2016
How difficult are exams? A framework for assessing the complexity of introductory programming exams
J Sheard, A Carbone, D Chinn, T Clear, M Corney, D D'Souza, J Fenwick, ...
Australian Computer Society (ACS), 2013
Automatically assessed electronic exams in programming courses
T Rajala, E Kaila, R Lindén, E Kurvinen, E Lokkila, MJ Laakso, ...
Proceedings of the Australasian computer science week multiconference, 1-8, 2016
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Articles 1–20