Arvind Ganesh Balasubramanian
Arvind Ganesh Balasubramanian
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Cited by
Robust face recognition via sparse representation
J Wright, AY Yang, A Ganesh, SS Sastry, Y Ma
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 31 (2), 210-227, 2008
Robust principal component analysis: Exact recovery of corrupted low-rank matrices via convex optimization
J Wright, A Ganesh, S Rao, Y Peng, Y Ma
Advances in neural information processing systems 22, 2009
RASL: Robust alignment by sparse and low-rank decomposition for linearly correlated images
Y Peng, A Ganesh, J Wright, W Xu, Y Ma
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 34 (11), 2233 …, 2012
Fast ℓ 1-minimization algorithms and an application in robust face recognition: A review
AY Yang, SS Sastry, A Ganesh, Y Ma
2010 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 1849-1852, 2010
Toward a practical face recognition system: Robust alignment and illumination by sparse representation
A Wagner, J Wright, A Ganesh, Z Zhou, H Mobahi, Y Ma
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 34 (2), 372-386, 2011
Fast algorithms for recovering a corrupted low-rank matrix
A Ganesh, Z Lin, J Wright, L Wu, M Chen, Y Ma
2009 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi …, 2009
Fast l1-Minimization Algorithms for Robust Face Recognition
YM A.Y.Yang, Zihan Zhou, A.G.Balasubramanian, S.S.Sastry
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 22 (8), 3234-3246, 2013
TILT: Transform Invariant Low-Rank Textures
Z Zhang, A Ganesh, X Liang, Y Ma
International Journal of Computer Vision 99 (1), 1-24, 2012
TILT: Transform Invariant Low-Rank Textures
Z Zhang, X Liang, A Ganesh, Y Ma
Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 314-328, 2010
Robust photometric stereo via low-rank matrix completion and recovery
L Wu, A Ganesh, B Shi, Y Matsushita, Y Wang, Y Ma
Computer Vision–ACCV 2010: 10th Asian Conference on Computer Vision …, 2011
Towards a practical face recognition system: Robust registration and illumination by sparse representation
A Wagner, J Wright, A Ganesh, Z Zhou, Y Ma
2009 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 597-604, 2009
Compressive principal component pursuit
J Wright, A Ganesh, K Min, Y Ma
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA 2 (1), 32-68, 2013
Dense error correction for low-rank matrices via principal component pursuit
A Ganesh, J Wright, X Li, EJ Candes, Y Ma
2010 IEEE international symposium on information theory, 1513-1517, 2010
Yi Ma.(2009). Robust face recognition via sparse representation
J Wright, AY Yang, A Ganesh, SS Sastry
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 31 (2), 210-227, 0
Separation of a subspace-sparse signal: Algorithms and conditions
A Ganesh, Z Zhou, Y Ma
2009 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2009
Generating a Video Segment of an Action from a Video
T Novikoff, S Vijayanarasimhan, D Ross, A Balasubramanian, A Bienvenu
US Patent 10,740,620, 2019
Principal component pursuit with reduced linear measurements
A Ganesh, K Min, J Wright, Y Ma
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Proceedings, 1281-1285, 2012
Sparsity and robustness in face recognition
J Wright, A Ganesh, A Yang, Z Zhou, Y Ma
arXiv preprint arXiv:1111.1014, 2011
Nearest-subspace patch matching for face recognition under varying pose and illumination
Z Zhou, A Ganesh, J Wright, SF Tsai, Y Ma
2008 8th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture …, 2008
Face recognition by sparse representation.
A Ganesh, A Wagner, Z Zhou, AY Yang, Y Ma, J Wright
Compressed Sensing, 515-539, 2012
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Articles 1–20