Bruce Hendrickson
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Cited by
A Multi-Level Algorithm For Partitioning Graphs.
B Hendrickson, RW Leland
SC 95 (28), 1-14, 1995
The chaco users guide. version 1.0
B Hendrickson, R Leland
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 1993
An improved spectral graph partitioning algorithm for mapping parallel computations
B Hendrickson, R Leland
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 16 (2), 452-469, 1995
Conditions for unique graph realizations
B Hendrickson
SIAM journal on computing 21 (1), 65-84, 1992
Graph partitioning models for parallel computing
B Hendrickson, TG Kolda
Parallel computing 26 (12), 1519-1534, 2000
Challenges in parallel graph processing
A Lumsdaine, D Gregor, B Hendrickson, J Berry
Parallel Processing Letters 17 (01), 5-20, 2007
An algorithm for two-dimensional rigidity percolation: the pebble game
DJ Jacobs, B Hendrickson
Journal of Computational Physics 137 (2), 346-365, 1997
Zoltan data management services for parallel dynamic applications
K Devine, E Boman, R Heaphy, B Hendrickson, C Vaughan
Computing in Science & Engineering 4 (2), 90-96, 2002
A scalable distributed parallel breadth-first search algorithm on BlueGene/L
A Yoo, E Chow, K Henderson, W McLendon, B Hendrickson, ...
SC'05: Proceedings of the 2005 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing, 25-25, 2005
A spectral algorithm for seriation and the consecutive ones problem
JE Atkins, EG Boman, B Hendrickson
SIAM Journal on Computing 28 (1), 297-310, 1998
New challenges in dynamic load balancing
KD Devine, EG Boman, RT Heaphy, BA Hendrickson, JD Teresco, J Faik, ...
Applied Numerical Mathematics 52 (2-3), 133-152, 2005
Tolerating the community detection resolution limit with edge weighting
JW Berry, B Hendrickson, RA LaViolette, CA Phillips
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 83 (5 …, 2011
Dynamic load balancing in computational mechanics
B Hendrickson, K Devine
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 184 (2-4), 485-500, 2000
The molecule problem: Exploiting structure in global optimization
B Hendrickson
SIAM Journal on Optimization 5 (4), 835-857, 1995
On identifying strongly connected components in parallel
LK Fleischer, B Hendrickson, A Pınar
Parallel and Distributed Processing: 15 IPDPS 2000 Workshops Cancun, Mexico …, 2000
A new parallel method for molecular dynamics simulation of macromolecular systems
S Plimpton, B Hendrickson
Journal of Computational Chemistry 17 (3), 326-337, 1996
Knowledge mining with VxInsight: Discovery through interaction
GS Davidson, B Hendrickson, DK Johnson, CE Meyers, BN Wylie
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 11, 259-285, 1998
Improving the run time and quality of nested dissection ordering
B Hendrickson, E Rothberg
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 20 (2), 468-489, 1998
Graph partitioning and parallel solvers: Has the emperor no clothes? Extended abstract
B Hendrickson
International Symposium on Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in …, 1998
Support-graph preconditioners
M Bern, JR Gilbert, B Hendrickson, N Nguyen, S Toledo
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 27 (4), 930-951, 2006
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Articles 1–20