Velázquez, V.F.
Velázquez, V.F.
Professor of Geology, University of the São Paulo, Brazil
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Cited by
Tectonic controls of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic alkaline magmatism in central-southeastern Brazilian Platform
C Riccomini, VF Velázquez, CB Gomes
Mesozoic to Cenozoic alkaline magmatism in the Brazilian Platform 123, 31-56, 2005
Potassic and sodic igneous rocks from Eastern Paraguay: their origin from the lithospheric mantle and genetic relationships with the associated Paraná flood tholeiites
P Comin-Chiaramonit, A Cundari, EM Piccirillo, CB Gomes, F Castorina, ...
Journal of Petrology 38 (4), 495-528, 1997
The origin of post-Paleozoic magmatism in eastern Paraguay
P Comin-Chiaramonti, A Marzoli, C de Barros Gomes, A Milan, ...
Cenozoic lithospheric faulting in the Asunción Rift, eastern Paraguay
C Riccomini, VF Velázquez, C de Barros Gomes
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 14 (6), 625-630, 2001
Potassic dyke swarm in the Sapucai Graben, eastern Paraguay: petrographical, mineralogical and geochemical outlines
P Comin-Chiaramonti, A Cundari, CB Gomes, EM Piccirillo, P Censi, ...
Lithos 28 (3-6), 283-301, 1992
A synthesis on the alkaline magmatism of Eastern Paraguay
CB Gomes, P Comin-Chiaramonti, V Velazquez Fernandez
Brazilian Journal of Geology 43 (4), 745-761, 2013
Origin and migration timing of hydrothermal fluids in sedimentary rocks of the Paraná Basin, South America
LG Sant'Anna, N Clauer, UG Cordani, C Riccomini, VF Velázquez, ...
Chemical Geology 230 (1-2), 1-21, 2006
Alkaline magmatism from northern Paraguay (Alto Paraguay): a permo-triassic province
CB Gomes, MA Laurenzi, P Censi, A De Min, VF Velázquez, ...
Alkaline magmatism in central-eastern Paraguay. Relationships with coeval …, 1996
Geología del Paraguay
JH Palmieri, JC Velázquez
Ediciones NAPA, 1982
Alkaline magmatism in Paraguay: a review
CB Gomes, P Comin-Chiaramonti, VF Velázquez, D Orué
Alkaline Magmatism in Central-Eastern Paraguay. Relationships with Coeval …, 1996
Relações tectônicas do magmatismo alcalino do Paraguai Oriental
V Velázquez Fernandez, C Riccomini, CB Gomes, L Figueredo, ...
Revista do Instituto Geológico 19 (1-2), 43-49, 1998
Columnar joints in the Patiño formation sandstones, eastern Paraguay: a dynamic interaction between dyke intrusion, quartz dissolution and cooling-induced fractures
VF Velázquez, PCF Giannini, C Riccomini, AEM Sallun, J Hachiro, ...
Episodes 31 (3), 302-308, 2008
Alkaline complexes from the Alto Paraguay province at the border of Brazil (Mato Grosso do Sul State) and Paraguay
P Comin-Chiaramonti, CB Gomes, P Censi, M Gasparon, VF Velázquez
Mesozoic to Cenozoic alkaline magmatism in the Brazilian Platform. São Paulo …, 2005
Evidence of shock metamorphism effects in allochthonous breccia deposits from the Colônia Crater, São Paulo, Brazil
VF Velazquez, C Riccomini, JM Azevedo Sobrinho, MAJ Pletsch, ...
International Journal of Geosciences 4 (1A), 274-282, 2013
Magmatismo alcalino Mesozóico na porção centro-oriental do Paraguai: aspectos geocronológicos
VF Velázquez, CB Gomes, GG Capaldi, P Comin-Chiaramonti, M Ernesto, ...
Geochimica Brasiliensis 6 (1), 1992
Cretaceous Na-alkaline magmatism from the Misiones Province (Paraguay): its relationships with the Paleocene Na-alkaline analog from Asunción and geodynamic significance
VF Velazquez, P Comin-Chiaramonti, A Cundari, CB Gomes, C Riccomini
The Journal of Geology 114 (5), 593-614, 2006
Superfície estriada por geleira neopaleozóica no Paraguai Oriental
C Riccomini, V Velázquez Fernandez
Revista Brasileira de Geociências 29 (2), 233-236, 1999
Magmatismo alcalino do Paraguai: uma revisão e atualização das províncias
VF Velázquez, CB Gomes, D Orué, P Comin-Chiaramonti
Boletim IG-USP. Série Científica 27, 61-79, 1996
Contribution to the geochronology of the Permo-Triassic alkaline magmatism of the Alto Paraguay Province
V Velázquez Fernandez, CB Gomes, W Teixeira, P Comin-Chiaramonti
Revista Brasileira de Geociências 26 (2), 103-108, 1996
Alkaline magmatism in the Amambay area, NE Paraguay: the Cerro Sarambí complex
CB Gomes, VF Velazquez, RG Azzone, GS Paula
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 32 (1), 75-95, 2011
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Articles 1–20