Jean-François Molinari
Jean-François Molinari
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Finite-element analysis of contact between elastic self-affine surfaces
S Hyun, L Pei, JF Molinari, MO Robbins
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 70 (2 …, 2004
Modeling and simulation in tribology across scales: An overview
AI Vakis, VA Yastrebov, J Scheibert, L Nicola, D Dini, C Minfray, ...
Tribology International 125, 169-199, 2018
Finite element modeling of elasto-plastic contact between rough surfaces
L Pei, S Hyun, JF Molinari, MO Robbins
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 53 (11), 2385-2409, 2005
Dynamic crack propagation with cohesive elements: a methodology to address mesh dependency
F Zhou, JF Molinari
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 59 (1), 1-24, 2004
Critical length scale controls adhesive wear mechanisms
R Aghababaei, DH Warner, JF Molinari
Nature communications 7 (1), 11816, 2016
From infinitesimal to full contact between rough surfaces: evolution of the contact area
VA Yastrebov, G Anciaux, JF Molinari
International Journal of Solids and Structures 52, 83-102, 2015
A rate-dependent cohesive model for simulating dynamic crack propagation in brittle materials
F Zhou, JF Molinari, T Shioya
Engineering fracture mechanics 72 (9), 1383-1410, 2005
Mechanical behavior of Σ tilt grain boundaries in nanoscale Cu and Al: A quasicontinuum study
F Sansoz, JF Molinari
Acta materialia 53 (7), 1931-1944, 2005
A new methodology for ranking scientific institutions
JF Molinari, A Molinari
Scientometrics 75, 163-174, 2008
Direct visualization of single ions in the Stern layer of calcite
M Ricci, P Spijker, F Stellacci, JF Molinari, K Voïtchovsky
Langmuir 29 (7), 2207-2216, 2013
Multiscale modeling of two-dimensional contacts
BQ Luan, S Hyun, JF Molinari, N Bernstein, MO Robbins
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 74 (4 …, 2006
Increased strain rate sensitivity due to stress-coupled grain growth in nanocrystalline Al
DS Gianola, DH Warner, JF Molinari, KJ Hemker
Scripta Materialia 55 (7), 649-652, 2006
A mesoscale fracture model for concrete
O Yılmaz, JF Molinari
Cement and Concrete Research 97, 84-94, 2017
Influence of the meso-structure in dynamic fracture simulation of concrete under tensile loading
L Snozzi, A Caballero, JF Molinari
Cement and Concrete Research 41 (11), 1130-1142, 2011
A cohesive model based fragmentation analysis: effects of strain rate and initial defects distribution
F Zhou, JF Molinari, KT Ramesh
International Journal of Solids and Structures 42 (18-19), 5181-5207, 2005
Atomistic based continuum investigation of plastic deformation in nanocrystalline copper
DH Warner, F Sansoz, JF Molinari
International Journal of Plasticity 22 (4), 754-774, 2006
Effects of material properties on the fragmentation of brittle materials
F Zhou, JF Molinari, KT Ramesh
International journal of fracture 139 (2), 169-196, 2006
Dynamic crack propagation with a variational phase-field model: limiting speed, crack branching and velocity-toughening mechanisms
J Bleyer, C Roux-Langlois, JF Molinari
International Journal of Fracture 204 (1), 79-100, 2017
Finite‐element modeling of dry sliding wear in metals
JF Molinari, M Ortiz, R Radovitzky, EA Repetto
Engineering Computations 18 (3/4), 592-610, 2001
Dynamic fragmentation of ceramics, signature of defects and scaling of fragment sizes
S Levy, JF Molinari
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 58 (1), 12-26, 2010
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Articles 1–20