Coupling of a three-particle (hole) valence-shell cluster to quadrupole vibrations (Alaga model): The Z= 50 region: odd Ag and I isotopes; and the Z= 28 region: odd Mn and Ga … V Paar Nuclear Physics A 211 (1), 29-76, 1973 | 282 | 1973 |
A parabolic rule for the energy dependence on x= I (I+ 1) for proton-neutron multiplets in odd-odd nuclei V Paar Nuclear Physics A 331 (1), 16-28, 1979 | 216 | 1979 |
SU(6) model for odd-odd nuclei (OTQM/IBOM) and boson-aligned phase diagram inO(6) limit S Brant, V Paar, D Vretenar Zeitschrift für Physik A Atoms and Nuclei 319, 355-356, 1984 | 99 | 1984 |
UNISOR and M. Vouk V Paar, S Brant, LF Canto, G Leander Nucl. Phys. A 378, 41, 1982 | 90 | 1982 |
“Decoupled” and “strongly coupled” band patterns in the particle-vibration coupling model G Alaga, V Paar Physics Letters B 61 (2), 129-132, 1976 | 80 | 1976 |
IBFFM yrast states in odd-odd nuclei associated withO(6) andSU(3) limits S Brant, V Paar Zeitschrift für Physik A Atomic Nuclei 329 (2), 151-159, 1988 | 68 | 1988 |
Diagramatic perturbation treatment of the effective interaction between two-photon states in closed shell nuclei: The Jπ= 0+ states in 208Pb RA Broglia, V Paar, DR Bes Physics Letters B 37 (2), 159-165, 1971 | 68 | 1971 |
Broken isospin symmetry in the shell model and chaotic behavior V Paar, D Vorkapic Phys. Lett. B 205, 7, 1988 | 60 | 1988 |
Quantum chaos for exact and broken K quantum number in the interacting-boson model V Paar, D Vorkapić Physical Review C 41 (5), 2397, 1990 | 58* | 1990 |
Analogs of Gallagher-Moszkowski bands in IBFFM—A relation to spectrum-generating supersymmetry? V Paar, DK Sunko, D Vretenar Zeitschrift für Physik A Atomic Nuclei 327, 291-294, 1987 | 57 | 1987 |
Structure of theN=59 nucleus97Sr: coexistence of spherical and deformed states G Lhersonneau, B Pfeiffer, KL Kratz, H Ohm, K Sistemich, S Brant, V Paar Zeitschrift für Physik A Atomic Nuclei 337, 149-159, 1990 | 56 | 1990 |
and AB Balantekin V Lopac, S Brant, V Paar, OWB Schult, H Seyfat Z. Phys. A 323, 491, 1986 | 50 | 1986 |
A simple explanation of the sign and magnitude of quadrupole moments in even-A Fe, Zn, Cd, Te and Hg isotopes G Alaga, V Paar, V Lopac Physics Letters B 43 (6), 459-462, 1973 | 49 | 1973 |
CENP-B box and pJα sequence distribution in human alpha satellite higher-order repeats (HOR) M Rosandić, V Paar, I Basar, M Glunčić, N Pavin, I Pilaš Chromosome research 14, 735-753, 2006 | 48 | 2006 |
HG B6mer, G. Barreau, H. Faust, Ch. Hofmeyer, K. Schreckenbach and RA Meyer Y Tokunaga, H Seyfarth, OWB Schult, S Brant, V Paar, D Vretenar Nucl. Phys. A 430, 269, 1984 | 48 | 1984 |
The solution of the “I= j− 1” anomaly for 107,109 Ag in the Alaga model V Paar Physics Letters B 39 (5), 587-590, 1972 | 48 | 1972 |
Bursts in average lifetime of transients for chaotic logistic map with a hole V Paar, N Pavin Physical Review E 55 (4), 4112, 1997 | 46 | 1997 |
An experimental and theoretical investigation of the structure of 210Pb ER Flynn, GJ Igo, RA Broglia, S Landowne, V Paar, B Nilsson Nuclear Physics A 195 (1), 97-118, 1972 | 46 | 1972 |
Structure of high-spin states in 143Pm H Prade, L Käubler, U Hagemann, HU Jäger, M Kirchbach, L Schneider, ... Nuclear Physics A 333 (1), 33-66, 1980 | 45 | 1980 |
Low-lying levels and collective bands in doubly-odd 124Cs A Gizon, J Timár, J Gizon, B Weiss, D Barnéoud, C Foin, J Genevey, ... Nuclear Physics A 694 (1-2), 63-102, 2001 | 44 | 2001 |