Liat Levontin
Cited by
Cited by
Giving from a distance: Putting the charitable organization at the center of the donation appeal
D Ein-Gar, L Levontin
Journal of Consumer Psychology 23 (2), 197-211, 2013
Acts of emptying promote self-focus: A perceived resource deficiency perspective
L Levontin, D Ein-Gar, AY Lee
Journal of Consumer Psychology 25 (2), 257-267, 2015
Implicit theories block negative attributions about a longstanding adversary: The case of Israelis and Arabs
L Levontin, E Halperin, CS Dweck
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 49 (4), 670-675, 2013
The effects of warmth and competence perceptions on users' choice of an AI system
Z Gilad, O Amir, L Levontin
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2021
Promoting meaningful and positive nature interactions for visitors to green spaces
A Colléony, L Levontin, A Shwartz
Conservation Biology 34 (6), 1373-1382, 2020
Using personal values to understand the motivational basis of amity goal orientation
L Levontin, A Bardi
Frontiers in Psychology 9, 2736, 2019
Pro-social goals in achievement situations: Amity goal orientation enhances the positive effects of mastery goal orientation
L Levontin, A Bardi
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 44 (8), 1258-1269, 2018
The adverse effect of choice in donation decisions
D Ein‐Gar, L Levontin, T Kogut
Journal of Consumer Psychology 31 (3), 570-586, 2021
Standardizing the assessment of citizen scientists’ motivations: A motivational goal-based approach
L Levontin, Z Gilad, B Shuster, S Chako, A Land-Zandstra, N Lavie-Alon, ...
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 7 (1), 2022
Prosocial behavior reframed: How consumer mindsets shape dependency-oriented versus autonomy-oriented helping
M Anisman-Razin, L Levontin
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research 5 (1), 95-105, 2020
Negative self-disclosure on the web: The role of guilt relief
L Levontin, E Yom-Tov
Frontiers in psychology 8, 1068, 2017
Who do I (dis) trust and monitor for ethical misconduct? Status, power, and the structural paradox
K Raz, AR Fragale, L Levontin
Journal of Business Ethics 182 (2), 443-464, 2023
It takes two to self‐disclose: Incremental theorists facilitate others’ self‐disclosure more than do entity theorists
L Levontin, O Nakash, S Danziger
Journal of Personality 87 (6), 1264-1276, 2019
Goal-orientation theory and regulatory-focus theory: The" conflicting" effects of feedback-sign
L Levontin
האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים, 2004
Tutorials at the web conference 2023
V Fionda, O Hartig, R Abdolazimi, S Amer-Yahia, H Chen, X Chen, P Cui, ...
Companion Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023, 648-658, 2023
Analysis of factors influencing recurring donations in a university setting: A compound poisson mixture regression model
J Bao, EJ Durango-Cohen, L Levontin, PL Durango-Cohen
Journal of Business Research 151, 489-503, 2022
Mindset effects on the regulation of thinking time in problem-solving
R Ackerman, L Levontin
Thinking & Reasoning 30 (3), 479-508, 2024
The impact factor: The effect of actual impact information and perceived donation efficacy on donors' repeated donations
L Levontin, Z Gilad, E Durango-Cohen, P Durango-Cohen
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 118, 104720, 2025
More than meets the eye: hidden messages in the attribution of human-like values to product categories
S Ye, J Sneddon, A Bardi, L Levontin, G Soutar, J Lee
European Journal of Marketing, 2024
The Potentially Negative Effects of AI Writing Assistants on Self-Disclosure
A Mansour, O Amir, L Levontin
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Intelligent and Interactive Writing …, 2024
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Articles 1–20