Wooi Haw Tan
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Cited by
Human Identification Based on Extracted Gait Features
H Ng, HL Tong, WH Tan, TTV Yap, PF Chong, J Abdullah
International Journal of New Computer Architectures and their Applications …, 2011
Indoor location and motion tracking system for elderly assisted living home
NE Tabbakha, WH Tan, CP Ooi
2017 International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Sciences (ICORAS), 1-4, 2017
Combined spline and B-spline for an improved automatic skin lesion segmentation in dermoscopic images using optimal color channel
AA Abbas, X Guo, WH Tan, HA Jalab
Journal of medical systems 38, 1-8, 2014
Morphological based technique for image segmentation
MSZ Sarker, TW Haw, R Logeswaran
International Journal of Information Technology 14 (1), 55-80, 2008
Accelerating video and image processing design for FPGA using HDL coder and simulink
JCT Hai, OC Pun, TW Haw
2015 IEEE Conference on Sustainable Utilization And Development In …, 2015
MMU GASPFA: a COTS multimodal biometric database
CC Ho, H Ng, WH Tan, KW Ng, HL Tong, TTV Yap, PF Chong, C Eswaran, ...
Pattern Recognition Letters 34 (15), 2043-2050, 2013
LSTM and HMM Comparison for Home Activity Anomaly Detection
SC Poh, YF Tan, X Guo, SN Cheong, CP Ooi, WH Tan
2019 IEEE 3rd Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation …, 2019
Classification of infection and fluid regions in chest x-ray images
WSHMW Ahmad, WMDW Zaki, MFA Fauzi, WH Tan
2016 International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and …, 2016
FACS-Based Graph Features for Real-Time Micro-Expression Recognition
AM Buhari, CP Ooi, VM Baskaran, RCW Phan, KS Wong, WH Tan
Journal of Imaging 6 (12), 130, 2020
Identification of a multivariable nonlinear and time-varying mist reactor system
CL Cham, AH Tan, WH Tan
Control Engineering Practice 63, 13-23, 2017
Noise detection fuzzy (NDF) filter for removing salt and pepper noise
HS Kam, WH Tan
Visual Informatics: Bridging Research and Practice: First International …, 2009
Extraction of human gait features from enhanced human silhouette images
H Ng, WH Tan, HL Tong, J Abdullah, R Komiya
2009 IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing …, 2009
Liver isolation in abdominal MRI
R Logeswaran, TW Haw, SZ Sarker
Journal of medical systems 32 (4), 259-268, 2008
Development of vision based multiview gait recognition system with MMUGait database
H Ng, WH Tan, J Abdullah, HL Tong
The Scientific World Journal 2014 (1), 376569, 2014
Artifact and noise stripping on low-field brain MRI
NF Ishak, R Logeswaran, WH Tan
Int. J. Biology Biomed. Eng 2 (2), 59-68, 2008
LoRa driven medical adherence system
S Sherif, WH Tan, CP Ooi, A Sherif, S Mansor
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 9 (6), 2294-2301, 2020
Extraction and classification of human gait features
H Ng, WH Tan, HL Tong, J Abdullah, R Komiya
Visual Informatics: Bridging Research and Practice: First International …, 2009
Invisible emotion magnification algorithm (IEMA) for real-time micro-expression recognition with graph-based features
AM Buhari, CP Ooi, VM Baskaran, RCW Phan, KS Wong, WH Tan
Multimedia Tools and Applications 81 (7), 9151-9176, 2022
A wearable device for machine learning based elderly's activity tracking and indoor location system
NE Tabbakha, CP Ooi, WH Tan, YF Tan
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 10 (2), 927-939, 2021
FPGA-based embedded architecture for IoT home automation application
CP Ooi, WH Tan, SN Cheong, YL Lee, VM Baskaran, YL Low
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 14 (2 …, 2019
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Articles 1–20