Asaf Gayer
Cited by
Cited by
Reconstruction of a single copy of the Qumran cave 4 cryptic-script serekh haEdah
J Ben-Dov, DSB Ezra, A Gayer
Revue de Qumran 29 (1 (109), 21-77, 2017
A new join of two fragments of 4QcryptA Serekh haEdah and its implications
A Gayer, DSB Ezra, J Ben-Dov
Dead Sea Discoveries 23 (2), 139-154, 2016
Material and Digital Reconstruction of Fragmentary Dead Sea Scrolls: The Case of 4Q418a
J Ben-Dov, A Gayer, E Ratzon
Brill, 2022
The Centrality of Prayer and Stability of Trust. An Analysis of the Hymn of the Maskil in 1QS IX, 25b–XI, 15a
A Gayer
Ancient Jewish Prayers and Emotions, 317, 2015
A new reconstruction of the “Wisdom of the Hands” unit in 4QInstructiond (4Q418)
A Gayer
Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 30 (2), 60-73, 2020
Reconsidering 4Q69 (4QpapIsap) Scribal and Material Aspects
A Gayer
Dead Sea Discoveries 30, 292-321, 2023
Preliminary Insights following the Recovery of Roman Period Weaponry from the Cave of the Swords
E Klein, G Asaf, L Boaz, S Guy
New Studies in the Archaeology of the Judean Desert Collected Papers, 453-479, 2023
Placing the Fragments on the Canvas Using the Stegemann Method
J Ben-Dov, A Gayer, E Ratzon
Material and Digital Reconstruction of Fragmentary Dead Sea Scrolls, 130-135, 2022
Material and Digital Reconstruction of Fragmentary Dead Sea Scrolls: The Case of 4Q418a
ER Jonathan Ben-Dov, Asaf Gayer
New Readings and Joins in the Wisdom Composition Instruction
A Gayer
Meghillot 15 (Dead Sea Scrolls), 21-44, 2021
The Caves of Qumran: Proceedings of the International Conference, Lugano 2014, edited by Marcello Fidanzio
A Gayer
Dead Sea Discoveries 26 (1), 113-115, 2019
A Protocol for Material and Digital Reconstruction of Fragmentary Dead Sea Scrolls
J Ben-Dov, A Gayer, E Ratzon
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Articles 1–12