Nathan Robinson
Cited by
Cited by
SAT-based parallel planning using a split representation of actions
N Robinson, C Gretton, DN Pham, A Sattar
Proceedings of the international conference on automated planning and …, 2009
A Compact and Efficient SAT Encoding for Planning.
N Robinson, C Gretton, DN Pham, A Sattar
ICAPS, 296-303, 2008
Partial weighted MaxSAT for optimal planning
N Robinson, C Gretton, DN Pham, A Sattar
PRICAI 2010: Trends in Artificial Intelligence: 11th Pacific Rim …, 2010
Co-plan: Combining SAT-based planning with forward-search
N Robinson, C Gretton, DN Pham
Proc. IPC-6, 2008
Cost-based query optimization via AI planning
N Robinson, S McIlraith, D Toman
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 28 (1), 2014
Comparing the effectiveness of reasoning formalisms for partial models
P Saadatpanah, M Famelis, J Gorzny, N Robinson, M Chechik, R Salay
Proceedings of the Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering, Verification and …, 2012
Cost-optimal planning using weighted MaxSAT
N Robinson, C Gretton, DN Pham, A Sattar
ICAPS 2010 workshop on constraint satisfaction techniques for planning and …, 2010
Planning the transformation of overlays
Y Yoon, N Robinson, V Muthusamy, S McIlraith, HA Jacobsen
Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 500-507, 2016
Towards planning the transformation of overlays
Y Yoon, N Robinson, V Muthusamy, S McIlraith, HA Jacobsen
2015 IEEE 35th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems …, 2015
LPForget: A System of Forgetting in Answer Set Programming
FL Cheng, T Eiter, N Robinson, A Sattar, K Wang
AI 2006: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 19th Australian Joint …, 2006
Advancing planning-as-satisfiability
N Robinson
Griffith University, 2012
Planning the transformation of distributed messaging middleware
Y Yoon, N Robinson, V Muthusamy, S McIlraith, HA Jacobsen
ech. Rep., 2014
Planning the transformation of network topologies
Y Yoon, N Robinson, V Muthusamy, HA Jacobsen, SA McIlraith
Workshops at the Twenty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2012
Query Optimization Revisited: An AI Planning Perspective
N Robinson, SA McIlraith, D Toman
SPARK 2013, 2013
Propositional Probabilistic Planning-as-Satisfiability using Stochastic Local Search
N Robinson, C Gretton, N Pham, A Sattar
The Eighteenth International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling …, 2008
Comparing the Effectiveness of Reasoning Formalisms for Partial Models
PSMFJ Gorzny, N Robinson, MCR Salay
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Articles 1–16