Casey W Nixon
Casey W Nixon
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The use of topology in fracture network characterization
DJ Sanderson, CW Nixon
Journal of Structural Geology 72, 55-66, 2015
Glossary of fault and other fracture networks
DCP Peacock, CW Nixon, A Rotevatn, DJ Sanderson, LF Zuluaga
Journal of Structural Geology 92, 12-29, 2016
Topology, connectivity and percolation in fracture networks
DJ Sanderson, CW Nixon
Journal of Structural Geology 115, 167-177, 2018
Rapid spatiotemporal variations in rift structure during development of the Corinth Rift, central Greece
CW Nixon, LC McNeill, JM Bull, RE Bell, RL Gawthorpe, TJ Henstock, ...
Tectonics 35 (5), 1225-1248, 2016
NetworkGT: A GIS tool for geometric and topological analysis of two-dimensional fracture networks
B Nyberg, CW Nixon, DJ Sanderson
Geosphere 14 (4), 1618-1634, 2018
Interacting faults
DCP Peacock, CW Nixon, A Rotevatn, DJ Sanderson, LF Zuluaga
Journal of Structural Geology 97, 1-22, 2017
Fault interactions and reactivation within a normal-fault network at Milne Point, Alaska
CW Nixon, DJ Sanderson, SJ Dee, JM Bull, RJ Humphreys, MH Swanson
AAPG Bulletin 98 (10), 2081-2107, 2014
Quantifying structural controls on fluid flow: Insights from carbonate-hosted fault damage zones on the Maltese Islands
V Dimmen, A Rotevatn, DCP Peacock, CW Nixon, K Nærland
Journal of Structural Geology 101, 43-57, 2017
Graph theory and the analysis of fracture networks
DJ Sanderson, DCP Peacock, CW Nixon, A Rotevatn
Journal of Structural Geology 125, 155-165, 2019
Inclusion of topological measurements into analytic estimates of effective permeability in fractured media
PN Sævik, CW Nixon
Water Resources Research 53 (11), 9424-9443, 2017
Deformation within a strike-slip fault network at Westward Ho!, Devon UK: Domino vs conjugate faulting
CW Nixon, DJ Sanderson, JM Bull
Journal of Structural Geology 33 (5), 833-843, 2011
Topological characteristics of simple and complex normal fault networks
CK Morley, CW Nixon
Journal of Structural Geology 84, 68-84, 2016
High-resolution record reveals climate-driven environmental and sedimentary changes in an active rift
LC McNeill, DJ Shillington, GDO Carter, JD Everest, RL Gawthorpe, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 3116, 2019
The topology of evolving rift fault networks: Single-phase vs multi-phase rifts
OB Duffy, CW Nixon, RE Bell, CAL Jackson, RL Gawthorpe, ...
Journal of Structural Geology 96, 192-202, 2017
Analysis of a strike-slip fault network using high resolution multibeam bathymetry, offshore NW Devon UK
CW Nixon, DJ Sanderson, JM Bull
Tectonophysics 541, 69-80, 2012
Are landscapes buffered to high-frequency climate change? A comparison of sediment fluxes and depositional volumes in the Corinth Rift, central Greece, over the past 130 ky
SE Watkins, AC Whittaker, RE Bell, LC McNeill, RL Gawthorpe, ...
GSA Bulletin 131 (3-4), 372-388, 2019
Tipping the balance: Shifts in sediment production in an active rift setting
S Pechlivanidou, PA Cowie, G Duclaux, CW Nixon, RL Gawthorpe, ...
Geology 47 (3), 259-262, 2019
Localized vs distributed deformation associated with the linkage history of an active normal fault, Whakatane Graben, New Zealand
CW Nixon, JM Bull, DJ Sanderson
Journal of Structural Geology 69, 266-280, 2014
Connectivity and network development of carbonate-hosted fault damage zones from western Malta
CW Nixon, K Nærland, A Rotevatn, V Dimmen, DJ Sanderson, ...
Journal of Structural Geology 141, 104212, 2020
Straight from the source's mouth: Controls on field‐constrained sediment export across the entire active Corinth Rift, central Greece
SE Watkins, AC Whittaker, RE Bell, SAS Brooke, V Ganti, RL Gawthorpe, ...
Basin Research 32 (6), 1600-1625, 2020
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Articles 1–20