Urban Škvorc
Urban Škvorc
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Cited by
Understanding the problem space in single-objective numerical optimization using exploratory landscape analysis
U Škvorc, T Eftimov, P Korošec
Applied Soft Computing 90, 106138, 2020
CEC real-parameter optimization competitions: Progress from 2013 to 2018
U Škvorc, T Eftimov, P Korošec
2019 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation (CEC), 3126-3133, 2019
The effect of sampling methods on the invariance to function transformations when using exploratory landscape analysis
U Škvorc, T Eftimov, P Korošec
2021 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 1139-1146, 2021
Transfer learning analysis of multi-class classification for landscape-aware algorithm selection
U Škvorc, T Eftimov, P Korošec
mathematics 10 (3), 432, 2022
GECCO black-box optimization competitions: progress from 2009 to 2018
U Škvorc, T Eftimov, P Korošec
Proceedings of the genetic and evolutionary computation conference companion …, 2019
A complementarity analysis of the COCO benchmark problems and artificially generated problems
U Škvorc, T Eftimov, P Korošec
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion …, 2021
A comprehensive analysis of the invariance of exploratory landscape analysis features to function transformations
U Škvorc, T Eftimov, P Korošec
2022 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 1-8, 2022
PerformViz: a machine learning approach to visualize and understand the performance of single-objective optimization algorithms
T Eftimov, R Hribar, U Škvorc, G Popovski, G Petelin, P Korošec
Proceedings of the 2020 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference …, 2020
Deep statistics: more robust performance statistics for single-objective optimization benchmarking
T Eftimov, G Petelin, R Hribar, G Popovski, U Škvorc, P Korošec
Proceedings of the 2020 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference …, 2020
Synergies of deep and classical exploratory landscape features for automated algorithm selection
M Seiler, U Škvorc, C Doerr, H Trautmann
International Conference on Learning and Intelligent Optimization, 361-376, 2024
Learned Features vs. Classical ELA on Affine BBOB Functions
M Seiler, U Škvorc, G Cenikj, C Doerr, H Trautmann
International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 137-153, 2024
Transfer Learning Analysis of Multi-Class Classification for Landscape-Aware Algorithm Selection. Mathematics 2022, 10, 432
U Škvorc, T Eftimov, P Korošec
s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published …, 2022
Using exploratory landscape analysis to visualize single-objective problems
U Škvorc, T Eftimov, P Korošec
Proceedings of the 2020 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference …, 2020
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Articles 1–13