Donghui Yan
Donghui Yan
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Fast approximate spectral clustering
D Yan, L Huang, MI Jordan
Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2009
Meta-discoveries from a synthesis of satellite-based land-cover mapping research
L Yu, L Liang, J Wang, Y Zhao, Q Cheng, L Hu, S Liu, L Yu, X Wang, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing 35 (13), 4573-4588, 2014
Spectral Clustering with Perturbed Data
L Huang, D Yan, MI Jordan, N Taft
Neural Information Processing Systems 21, 2008
Cluster Forests
D Yan, A Chen, MI Jordan
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 66, 178-192, 2013
Real-time pattern isolation and recognition over immersive sensor data streams
C Shahabi, D Yan
Proceedings of The 9th Int’l Conference on Multi-Media Modeling, 93-113, 2003
Improving short text classification with augmented data Using GPT-3
S Balkus, D Yan
arXiv preprint, arXiv:2205.10981, 2022
A first course in Data Science
D Yan, GE Davis
Journal of Statistics Education 27 (2), 99-109, 2019
K-nearest Neighbors Search by Random Projection Forests
D Yan, Y Wang, J Wang, H Wang, Z Li
IEEE Transactions on Big Data, 2019
Device independence and extensibility in gesture recognition
J Eisenstein, S Ghandeharizadeh, L Golubchik, C Shahabi, D Yan, ...
IEEE Virtual Reality, 2003. Proceedings., 207-214, 2003
Fast communication-efficient spectral clustering over distributed data
D Yan, Y Wang, J Wang, G Wu, H Wang
IEEE Transactions on Big Data, 2019
Statistical Methods for Tissue Array Images–Algorithmic Scoring and Co-Training
D Yan, P Wang, BS Knudsen, M Linden, TW Randolph
The annals of applied statistics 6 (3), 1280, 2012
Sparsity and the possibility of inference
PJ Bickel, D Yan
Sankhyā: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series A (2008-), 1-24, 2008
The turtleback diagram for conditional probability
D Yan, GE Davis
The Open Journal of Statistics 8 (4), 684-705, 2018
Incorporating deep features in the analysis of tissue microarray images
D Yan, T Randolph, J Zou, P Gong
Statistics and its Interface 12 (2), 283, 2019
An empirical investigation and theoretic modeling for the collective online visiting behaviors
Z Li, X Tang, H Zhou, D Yan
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 503, 969-980, 2018
A Deep Neural Network Based Approach to Building Budget-Constrained Models for Big Data Analysis
R Ming, H Xu, SE Gibbs, D Yan, M Shao
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.11707, 2023
Classification under data contamination with application to remote sensing image mis-registration
D Yan, P Gong, A Chen, L Zhong
arXiv preprint arXiv:1101.3594, 2011
A structured approach to the analysis of remote sensing images
D Yan, C Li, N Cong, L Yu, P Gong
International Journal of Remote Sensing 40 (20), 7874-7897, 2019
The use of physical restraints and PRN medications in adolescent psychiatric inpatient units
J Chung, M Shao, R Ryan, M Eisenstein, D Yan, V Domaleski, J Choi, ...
Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing 36 (3), 199-210, 2023
Towards understanding the COVID-19 case fatality rate
D Yan, A Chen, B Yang
Journal of Health Science and Development 4 (1), 30-38, 2021
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Articles 1–20