Fabio Novelli
Fabio Novelli
Researcher at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
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Speed limit of the insulator–metal transition in magnetite
S De Jong, R Kukreja, C Trabant, N Pontius, CF Chang, T Kachel, M Beye, ...
Nature materials 12 (10), 882-886, 2013
Witnessing the formation and relaxation of dressed quasi-particles in a strongly correlated electron system
F Novelli, G De Filippis, V Cataudella, M Esposito, IV Kausel, F Cilento, ...
Nature Communications 5 (5112), 2014
Ultrafast optical spectroscopy of the lowest energy excitations in the Mott insulator compound YVO: Evidence for Hubbard-type excitons
F Novelli, D Fausti, J Reul, F Cilento, PHM Van Loosdrecht, AA Nugroho, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (16), 165135, 2012
Vibronic Resonances Facilitate Excited-State Coherence in Light-Harvesting Proteins at Room Temperature
F Novelli, A Nazir, GH Richards, A Roozbeh, KE Wilk, PMG Curmi, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6, 4573–4580, 2015
Mixed regime of light-matter interaction revealed by phase sensitive measurements of the dynamical Franz-Keldysh effect
F Novelli, D Fausti, F Giusti, F Parmigiani, M Hoffmann
Scientific reports 3 (1), 1227, 2013
Towards intense THz spectroscopy on water: Characterization of optical rectification by GaP, OH1, and DSTMS at OPA wavelengths
F Novelli, B Guchhait, M Havenith
Materials 13 (6), 1311, 2020
Time-Domain THz Spectroscopy Reveals Coupled Protein–Hydration Dielectric Response in Solutions of Native and Fibrils of Human Lysozyme
F Novelli, S Ostovar Pour, J Tollerud, A Roozbeh, DRT Appadoo, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 121 (18), 4810-4816, 2017
Silk: Optical properties over 12.6 octaves THz-IR-Visible-UV range
A Balčytis, M Ryu, X Wang, F Novelli, G Seniutinas, S Du, X Wang, J Li, ...
Materials 10 (4), 356, 2017
Strong anisotropy in liquid water upon librational excitation using terahertz laser fields
F Novelli, L Ruiz Pestana, KC Bennett, F Sebastiani, EM Adams, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 124 (24), 4989-5001, 2020
Localized vibrations in superconducting revealed by ultrafast optical coherent spectroscopy
F Novelli, G Giovannetti, A Avella, F Cilento, L Patthey, M Radovic, ...
Physical Review B 95 (17), 174524, 2017
Nonlinear terahertz transmission by liquid water at 1 THz
F Novelli, CY Ma, N Adhlakha, EM Adams, T Ockelmann, D Das Mahanta, ...
Applied Sciences 10 (15), 5290, 2020
Pulsed homodyne Gaussian quantum tomography with low detection efficiency
M Esposito, F Benatti, R Floreanini, S Olivares, F Randi, K Titimbo, ...
New Journal of Physics 16 (4), 043004, 2014
Phase separation in the nonequilibrium Verwey transition in magnetite
F Randi, I Vergara, F Novelli, M Esposito, M Dell'Angela, VAM Brabers, ...
Physical Review B 93 (5), 054305, 2016
Terahertz thermometry of gold nanospheres in water
F Novelli, JWM Chon, JA Davis
Optics Letters 41 (24), 5801-5804, 2016
Water solvation of charged and neutral gold nanoparticles
F Novelli, M Bernal Lopez, G Schwaab, B Roldan Cuenya, M Havenith
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 123 (30), 6521-6528, 2019
The birth and evolution of solvated electrons in the water
F Novelli, K Chen, A Buchmann, T Ockelmann, C Hoberg, T Head-Gordon, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (8), e2216480120, 2023
Terahertz pump–probe of liquid water at 12.3 THz
F Novelli, C Hoberg, EM Adams, JM Klopf, M Havenith
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24 (2), 653-665, 2022
Caught in the act: real-time observation of the solvent response that promotes excited-state proton transfer in pyranine
C Hoberg, JJ Talbot, J Shee, T Ockelmann, DD Mahanta, F Novelli, ...
Chemical Science 14 (15), 4048-4058, 2023
Persistent coherence of quantum superpositions in an optimally doped cuprate revealed by 2D spectroscopy
F Novelli, JO Tollerud, D Prabhakaran, JA Davis
Science Advances 6 (9), eaaw9932, 2020
Temperature-independent non-linear terahertz transmission by liquid water
C Millon, J Schmidt, S Ramos, EP van Dam, A Buchmann, C Saraceno, ...
AIP Advances 12 (11), 115319, 2022
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Articles 1–20