Guixia Hao
Guixia Hao
Research Molecular Biologist, USDA/ARS, Peoria IL
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Evolution of moth sex pheromones via ancestral genes
WL Roelofs, W Liu, G Hao, H Jiao, AP Rooney, CE Linn Jr
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (21), 13621-13626, 2002
Upstream Migration of Xylella fastidiosa via Pilus-Driven Twitching Motility
Y Meng, Y Li, CD Galvani, G Hao, JN Turner, TJ Burr, HC Hoch
Journal of bacteriology 187 (16), 5560-5567, 2005
Type I and type IV pili of Xylella fastidiosa affect twitching motility, biofilm formation and cell–cell aggregation
Y Li, G Hao, CD Galvani, Y Meng, LDL Fuente, HC Hoch, TJ Burr
Microbiology 153 (3), 719-726, 2007
Overexpression of a modified plant thionin enhances disease resistance to citrus canker and huanglongbing (HLB)
G Hao, E Stover, G Gupta
Frontiers in plant science 7, 1078, 2016
Acyl-CoA Z9-and Z10-desaturase genes from a New Zealand leafroller moth species, Planotortrix octo
G Hao, W Liu, M O’Connor, WL Roelofs
Insect biochemistry and molecular biology 32 (9), 961-966, 2002
Reduced Susceptibility to Xanthomonas citri in Transgenic Citrus Expressing the FLS2 Receptor From Nicotiana benthamiana
G Hao, M Pitino, Y Duan, E Stover
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 29 (2), 132-142, 2016
Expression and evolution of Δ9 and Δ11 desaturase genes in the moth Spodoptera littoralis
S Rodríguez, G Hao, W Liu, B Piña, AP Rooney, F Camps, WL Roelofs, ...
Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 34 (12), 1315-1328, 2004
A luxR Homolog, aviR, in Agrobacterium vitis Is Associated with Induction of Necrosis on Grape and a Hypersensitive Response on Tobacco
D Zheng, H Zhang, S Carle, G Hao, MR Holden, TJ Burr
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 16 (7), 650-658, 2003
Regulation of Long-Chain N-Acyl-Homoserine Lactones in Agrobacterium vitis
G Hao, TJ Burr
Journal of bacteriology 188 (6), 2173-2183, 2006
luxR Homolog avhR in Agrobacterium vitis Affects the Development of a Grape-Specific Necrosis and a Tobacco Hypersensitive Response
G Hao, H Zhang, D Zheng, TJ Burr
Journal of bacteriology 187 (1), 185-192, 2005
Characterization of Z/E11- and Z9-desaturases from the obliquebanded leafroller moth, Choristoneura rosaceana
G Hao, M O'Connor, W Liu, WL Roelofs
Journal of Insect Science 2 (1), 26, 2002
The intracellular citrus Huanglongbing bacterium,‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ encodes two novel autotransporters
G Hao, M Boyle, L Zhou, Y Duan
PLoS One 8 (7), e68921, 2013
Synergistic phytotoxic effects of culmorin and trichothecene mycotoxins
R Wipfler, SP McCormick, RH Proctor, JM Teresi, G Hao, TJ Ward, ...
Toxins 11 (10), 555, 2019
Transgenic expression of antimicrobial peptide D2A21 confers resistance to diseases incited by Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci and Xanthomonas citri, but not Candidatus …
G Hao, S Zhang, E Stover
PLoS One 12 (10), e0186810, 2017
Induction of innate immune responses by flagellin from the intracellular bacterium, ‘CandidatusLiberibacter solanacearum’
G Hao, M Pitino, F Ding, H Lin, E Stover, Y Duan
BMC plant biology 14, 1-12, 2014
Characterization of Three Fusarium graminearum Effectors and Their Roles During Fusarium Head Blight
G Hao, S McCormick, T Usgaard, H Tiley, MM Vaughan
Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 579553, 2020
Fusarium graminearum arabinanase (Arb93B) Enhances Wheat Head Blight Susceptibility by Suppressing Plant Immunity
G Hao, S McCormick, MM Vaughan, TA Naumann, HS Kim, R Proctor, ...
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 32 (7), 888-898, 2019
Characterization of a Fusarium graminearum Salicylate Hydroxylase
G Hao, TA Naumann, MM Vaughan, S McCormick, T Usgaard, A Kelly, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 9, 3219, 2019
Enhanced Resistance to Fusarium graminearum in Transgenic Arabidopsis Plants Expressing a Modified Plant Thionin
G Hao, MG Bakker, HS Kim
Phytopathology 110 (5), 1056-1066, 2020
Transgenic citrus plants expressing a ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ prophage protein LasP235 display Huanglongbing-like symptoms
G Hao, D Ammar, Y Duan, E Stover
Agri Gene 12, 100085, 2019
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Articles 1–20