Tingru Zhang
Tingru Zhang
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The roles of initial trust and perceived risk in public’s acceptance of automated vehicles
T Zhang, D Tao, X Qu, X Zhang, R Lin, W Zhang
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 98, 207-220, 2019
Automated vehicle acceptance in China: Social influence and initial trust are key determinants
T Zhang, D Tao, X Qu, X Zhang, J Zeng, H Zhu, H Zhu
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 112, 220-233, 2020
A systematic review of physiological measures of mental workload
D Tao, H Tan, H Wang, X Zhang, X Qu, T Zhang
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (15), 2716, 2019
Risk assessment based collision avoidance decision-making for autonomous vehicles in multi-scenarios
G Li, Y Yang, T Zhang, X Qu, D Cao, B Cheng, K Li
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 122, 102820, 2021
A systematic review and meta-analysis of user acceptance of consumer-oriented health information technologies
D Tao, T Wang, T Wang, T Zhang, X Zhang, X Qu
Computers in Human Behavior 104, 106147, 2020
Influence of traffic congestion on driver behavior in post-congestion driving
G Li, W Lai, X Sui, X Li, X Qu, T Zhang, Y Li
Accident Analysis & Prevention 141, 105508, 2020
The association between driving anger and driving outcomes: A meta-analysis of evidence from the past twenty years
T Zhang, AHS Chan
Accident Analysis & Prevention 90, 50-62, 2016
Key characteristics in designing massive open online courses (MOOCs) for user acceptance: An application of the extended technology acceptance model
D Tao, P Fu, Y Wang, T Zhang, X Qu
Interactive Learning Environments 30 (5), 882-895, 2022
The effect of personal and organizational factors on the risk-taking behavior of Hong Kong construction workers
SS Man, AHS Chan, S Alabdulkarim, T Zhang
Safety science 136, 105155, 2021
Dimensions of driving anger and their relationships with aberrant driving
T Zhang, AHS Chan, W Zhang
Accident Analysis & Prevention 81, 124-133, 2015
Situational driving anger, driving performance and allocation of visual attention
T Zhang, AHS Chan, Y Ba, W Zhang
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 42, 376-388, 2016
What drives people to use automated vehicles? A meta-analytic review
T Zhang, W Zeng, Y Zhang, D Tao, G Li, X Qu
Accident Analysis & Prevention 159, 106270, 2021
Sleepiness and the risk of road accidents for professional drivers: A systematic review and meta-analysis of retrospective studies
T Zhang, AHS Chan
Safety science 70, 180-188, 2014
The acceptance of personal protective equipment among Hong Kong construction workers: An integration of technology acceptance model and theory of planned behavior with risk …
SS Man, S Alabdulkarim, AHS Chan, T Zhang
Journal of safety research 79, 329-340, 2021
Driving anger, aberrant driving behaviors, and road crash risk: Testing of a mediated model
T Zhang, AHS Chan, H Xue, X Zhang, D Tao
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (3), 297, 2019
Traffic sign comprehension: a review of influential factors and future directions for research
T Zhang, AHS Chan
Proceedings of the international multiconference of engineers and computer …, 2013
Driving anger and its relationship with aggressive driving among Chinese drivers
T Zhang, AHS Chan, S Li, W Zhang, X Qu
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 56, 496-507, 2018
Predicting unsafe behaviors at nuclear power plants: An integration of Theory of Planned Behavior and Technology Acceptance Model
T Zhang, D Shen, S Zheng, Z Liu, X Qu, D Tao
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 80, 103047, 2020
Effectiveness of visual warnings on young drivers hazard anticipation and hazard mitigation abilities
F Hajiseyedjavadi, T Zhang, R Agrawal, M Knodler, D Fisher, S Samuel
Accident Analysis & Prevention 116, 41-52, 2018
Training interventions are only effective on careful drivers, not careless drivers
T Zhang, F Hajiseyedjavadi, Y Wang, S Samuel, X Qu, D Fisher
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 58, 693-707, 2018
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Articles 1–20