M. Margarida Oliveira
Cited by
Cited by
Mechanisms underlying plant resilience to water deficits: prospects for water-saving agriculture
MM Chaves, MM Oliveira
Journal of Experimental Botany 55 (407), 2365-2384, 2004
Regulation of Na+ and K+ homeostasis in plants: towards improved salt stress tolerance in crop plants
DM Almeida, MM Oliveira, NJM Saibo
Genetics and molecular biology 40, 326-345, 2017
Transcription factors and regulation of photosynthetic and related metabolism under environmental stresses
NJM Saibo, T Lourenço, MM Oliveira
Annals of botany 103 (4), 609-623, 2009
Enhanced iron and zinc accumulation in transgenic rice with the ferritin gene
M Vasconcelos, K Datta, N Oliva, M Khalekuzzaman, L Torrizo, ...
Plant Science 164 (3), 371-378, 2003
Transgenic plants in phytoremediation: recent advances and new possibilities
S Cherian, MM Oliveira
Environmental science & technology 39 (24), 9377-9390, 2005
Genetic stability of micropropagated almond plantlets, as assessed by RAPD and ISSR markers
M Martins, D Sarmento, MM Oliveira
Plant Cell Reports 23 (7), 492-496, 2004
Drought stress response in< i> Jatropha curcas</i>: growth and physiology
H Sapeta, JM Costa, T Lourenço, J Maroco, P van der Linde, MM Oliveira
Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2012
Recent updates on salinity stress in rice: from physiological to molecular responses
S Negrão, B Courtois, N Ahmadi, I Abreu, N Saibo, MM Oliveira
Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 30 (4), 329-377, 2011
Microarray analyses reveal that plant mutagenesis may induce more transcriptomic changes than transgene insertion
R Batista, N Saibo, T Lourenço, MM Oliveira
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (9), 3640-3645, 2008
Genomic history and ecology of the geographic spread of rice
RM Gutaker, SC Groen, ES Bellis, JY Choi, IS Pires, RK Bocinsky, ...
Nature Plants 6 (5), 492-502, 2020
Genetic relatedness of Portuguese almond cultivars assessed by RAPD and ISSR markers
M Martins, R Tenreiro, MM Oliveira
Plant cell reports 22, 71-78, 2003
New allelic variants found in key rice salt‐tolerance genes: an association study
S Negrão, M Cecília Almadanim, IS Pires, IA Abreu, J Maroco, B Courtois, ...
Plant biotechnology journal 11 (1), 87-100, 2013
Seven zinc-finger transcription factors are novel regulators of the stress responsive gene OsDREB1B
DD Figueiredo, PM Barros, AM Cordeiro, TS Serra, T Lourenço, ...
Journal of experimental botany 63 (10), 3643-3656, 2012
Transgenic almond (Prunus dulcis Mill.) plants obtained by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of leaf explants
CM Miguel, MM Oliveira
Plant Cell Reports 18, 387-393, 1999
Coping with abiotic stress: proteome changes for crop improvement
IA Abreu, AP Farinha, S Negrão, N Gonçalves, C Fonseca, M Rodrigues, ...
Journal of proteomics 93, 145-168, 2013
Salt tolerant and sensitive rice varieties display differential methylome flexibility under salt stress
LJ Ferreira, V Azevedo, J Maroco, MM Oliveira, AP Santos
PloS one 10 (5), e0124060, 2015
Genetic relatedness of Portuguese rice accessions from diverse origins as assessed by microsatellite markers
P Jayamani, S Negrao, M Martins, B Macas, MM Oliveira
Crop Science 47 (2), 879-884, 2007
Rice calcium‐dependent protein kinase OsCPK17 targets plasma membrane intrinsic protein and sucrose‐phosphate synthase and is required for a proper cold stress response
MC Almadanim, BM Alexandre, MTG Rosa, H Sapeta, AE Leitão, ...
Plant, cell & environment 40 (7), 1197-1213, 2017
Somatic embryogenesis from 20 open-pollinated families of Portuguese plus trees of maritime pine
C Miguel, S Gonçalves, S Tereso, L Marum, J Maroco, ...
Plant cell, tissue and organ culture 76, 121-130, 2004
Carbohydrates-based deep eutectic solvents: Thermophysical properties and rice straw dissolution
C Florindo, MM Oliveira, LC Branco, IM Marrucho
Journal of Molecular Liquids 247, 441-447, 2017
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Articles 1–20